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A Recommendation for the Wife

Hey guys! I am looking for a solid recommendation for my wife. I got her into a Lady Gillette, however, it keeps rusting on here. I don't like the thought of possibly getting cut along with rust. Not a good combination. What do you guys recommend? I am looking for the least aggressive razor. If your wives, spouses, or girlfriends are using a DE, what are they using! Thanks!:001_smile
SWMBO uses one of those pink disposables, but I have read on the B&B Wiki that before the Lady Gillette was produced, women used the Blue Tip SS.

Here is a B&B Wiki that lists the aggressiveness of razors:


It's not a comprehensive list but lists many razors.

Why thank you! This helps greatly! I was recommended a 23C as well by Jerrod at Superior Shave. I may have her try that one too. If not, I can add it to my collection. I am sick of paying for the cartridges!
The 23C is the long handled version of the 33C, which is one of the mildest razors according to the list. For a new production razor, this is probably the way to go for her.
The 23C is the long handled version of the 33C, which is one of the mildest razors according to the list. For a new production razor, this is probably the way to go for her.

Wonderful! That's what I thought. Thank you so much for your recommendation. How about blades now? What do you think for a blade combination with the 23C?
I would start with a Derby; Derbys are known as forgiving and smooth blades. In addition, she can get a sample pack and try various blades out because each blade works differently with each razor model and individual.
I would start with a Derby; Derbys are known as forgiving and smooth blades. In addition, she can get a sample pack and try various blades out because each blade works differently with each razor model and individual.

That sounds like a plan. Thank you!
if rusting is a big problem, once the rust has been properly removed and polished - after shaving with it make sure it's cleaned and the excess water wiped/flicked off.

another thing you can do is cover it in oil / a shaving oil is probably better than say WD40 lol ... but the idea is to keep a barrier between oxygen and the metal.
If you wanted to keep with a vintage razor I would suggest a Schick Krona. My wife started with a Gillette Knack, went to a Lady Gillette Stars, and when I brought home a Krona... tried it and declared it hers! Not my intention but I have a lot of leeway for bring stuff home now. That said if you buy her a Krona, DO NOT EXPECT TO SHAVE WITH IT! I did once. Now she growls if I look longingly towards it. As always with SWMBO, YMMV!!:lol:

You have to tell them they cant leave the razor in the shower. When theyre done using it, to put it in a drawer or medicine cabinet.

They cant leave them on the side of the tub in a pool of water.
You have to tell them they cant leave the razor in the shower. When theyre done using it, to put it in a drawer or medicine cabinet.

They cant leave them on the side of the tub in a pool of water.

Hahahaha. You can tell them all day long. Ultimately, I get stuck with the cleaning. Gotta love it.
Very interesting indeed...I have two different Ladys and neither of them have rusting problems and I leave the blades in them too. I would go with a superspeed as they are basically the same but with a smaller handle.
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