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A Pipe Walk: Reflections On AY ear

The crunch of snow below my feet, the sound echoing up the entire path in the still winter air, a sweet fresh scent hangs within every breath. The instant smell of sulphur with a flash of light, that for an instant lights a path as far as one can see, then blinds everything out for only a few moments, things go dark except for the small cherry found just below the eyes sight

The sweet smell of tobacco must leave a trail with every step forward, hanging in the air yards and yards behind, the eyes adjust to the low light easy in winter, as every branch and every path is illuminated by pure white untouched snow, save for the foot prints of small creatures out hunting and nesting. Nothing to stalk us out here tonight, just the sounds of crunching snow, distant road traffic, and the heavenly scents of what comes from the exhaling of smoke after every puff.

Its cool out, but not cold, the still air doesn't bring its frigid chill tonight, its calm, its hypnotic in its own way. Nothing really on my mind tonight, but smoking a pipe gifted by a newly met friend with some tobacco from another leaves nothing but good thoughts running through my brains, and memories of what all has happened in this digital corner of the globe, how it has effected all my world this year, with its gentle compassion towards members who have suffered losses, and how it has lifted others who have had great joy upon their shoulders to celebrate, and to know Ive been fortunate to be a part of it all is all i need for my whole body to turn warm

Walking up my driveway, a bit exhausted from fighting each step in the fallen snow, it only became apparent to me now how much energy I had spent in the woods, through the door into the kitchen, the gurgling sounds of a coffee being brewed, and hazelnut scent now dominates my air, falling into the biggest softest chair I own...

Today was a good day, and it was brought to me by the generosity of Badger and Blades great members

Thank you all to those who have become friends, and shared all their joys and heartaches, it is my absolute pleasure to have been a part of the Brown Leaf this year

James (Not that James, the other one)

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You sure do paint a nice picture, I don't smoke a pipe but you make it sound fun. I have enjoyed reading your posts since I have joined this fine site.

Happy New Year James!!!!!! To you and yours.
To your family and yourself as well Rock, Always a pleasure bumping into you around the forums

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
James, Thank you for all you have contributed here in the last year. You may have been a new guy, but you are a great member to the forum.
James, Thank you for all you have contributed here in the last year. You may have been a new guy, but you are a great member to the forum.

It really seems hard to be thanked for having so much fun, and finally getting into some great hobbies that have lingered around the back of my mind for so long, having so many great interests in one place seems to leave me with a sense of guilt,... thank goodness for PIFs to balance the karma

What a great read! Glad to see that your experience on BL has been positive and I expect the same results being one of the newbs around the last few months. Only because it's B&B! Thanks again for sharing your pipe with us tonight.

cant wait to read up on yours Chris, you will have to drop a pipe into here at some point when you have a great night with a smoke
Nicely written James. I think all of us have enjoyed your presence in the BL and elsewhere on B&B, I know I have.
Well said, I am looking forward to a new year of smoking and smoking with others.
here here

James, your post almost makes me miss snow.
Oh a snow enable would be a new one ?, how are you set for skis or snowboards ?

Nicely written James. I think all of us have enjoyed your presence in the BL and elsewhere on B&B, I know I have.
Aww thank you MrMallen, this place wouldnt have been the same for me this year had i not have bumped into you this year as well
Nice thoughts, Syngent. Well written, too.
Seemed a bit rushed to me lol, should learn to take a FP and a notepad with me when i go out, but thanks Jack, hope you have a happy night, and dont try to hard to figure out just which pipe of yours is the right one to go with, you may just miss the moment lol
Did some reflecting of my own tonight in the chilly air with a fine smoke. Thinking how much better off I am having found B&B and everyone here. It wasn't as refined as your reflections but the same sentiment I think.
Some great writing, James!

Have a great new years eve!
should learn to take a FP and a notepad with me when i go out

Depending on how hard it was snowing, you could have done some nature water resistant tests on ink. Sink art, nature art, pocket art hmmmmm......... :)

EDIT; read another one of your posts and decided to add pocket art :)
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Well said (good) James! I couldn't agree with you more!! I am so happy to have found this place! It is some of the finest people I have "met" in a long time!
Happy healthy and wealthy New Year!
Depending on how hard it was snowing, you could have done some nature water resistant tests on ink. Sink art, nature art, pocket art hmmmmm......... :)

EDIT; read another one of your posts and decided to add pocket art :)

its funny, even without pics people will believe it happened, well to me anyway

Well said (good) James! I couldn't agree with you more!! I am so happy to have found this place! It is some of the finest people I have "met" in a long time!
Happy healthy and wealthy New Year!
All the same to you as well, if nothing else at least a good smoke, and some fine gentlemen to keep you company
Seemed a bit rushed to me lol, should learn to take a FP and a notepad with me when i go out, but thanks Jack, hope you have a happy night, and dont try to hard to figure out just which pipe of yours is the right one to go with, you may just miss the moment lol
That is my plan for the spring, wait for it to get nice out, walk to a park with my pipe and when I find a nice place to sit I can write down thoughts, when my bowl is finished I'll switch it out for another pipe with another tobacco and carry on. This would continue as long as I have other pipes and tobaccos
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