Well, to give you guyes some handle on the challenge I am looking at:
At present I have about 50-55 open tucks with one or more blades in them. Let's conservatively say each tuck carries 3 blades I am looking at 150 blades and on average I get 7-10 shaves from a blade. So that's at least 1,050 shaves, divided by 365 days in a year: approximately 2.8 years before I can join Boris' Tuck At A Time club.
I haven't touched my blade stock for the last two years I think. So plenty of blades left when I get these 150 out of the way. To Larry's point - most of them are alright for me, but certainly not all of them. And yes, I have fewer blades I really like than I have blades in my stash. So I will not be restocking until...probably forever. I think I have about 35-40 years worth of shaves in my cabinet!
*Boris hears some mumbling in the distance and wakes from his slumber* What is this I hear regarding open tucks. Hmmm my dear @Guido75 we will not exclude anyone wanting to participate in TaaT. All you have to do is use one tuck at a time, whether it has 1 or 5 blades in it, until used up before moving on to the next one. We do not hang our previously sinful life hanging over each other's heads. We all went through a bit of a cleanup before being pure and clean in spirit and soul.