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A new dimension to my SBAD: My first brush Restore

I've been getting the random Simpsons, ordering the odd mixed boar/badger, and trying an Omega Silvertip. It was time for a restore. I ordered a 20mm Silvertip knot from Larry (What else can be said about him, stand up guy) and he sent this before he went off to vacation.
I used the typical dremel bits (sand drum, etc.) and filled the hollow part of the old Ever-Ready 250 with glue from a glue gun to give it heft and a platform to set the knot.
A little time later, after some marine epoxy and Oxy-Clean bath (first time doing it like this, works well but needs a good rinse to remove slickness from Oxy). This is what I got. I also use Proraso as the first cream for all of my new brushes. The menthol facilitates getting rid of and masking the funk.
It's a superbly soft knot, not to floppy but definitely a silvertip. It's lost about 15-20 hairs due to intense cleaning and manipulation but when it was on my face, it only lost a few. Hope, it remains that way.
First pic: before, with old knot
Second: After it was set
Third: After its first lather, what a bloom

Looks great! I love my silvertip from Larry. It's the only brush I use. I lost 15-20 hairs in the beginning, but it has been months since I lost anymore.
My 13 year old used it to shave her legs the other day. I may have to restore one for her, cause she can't have mine!
Your first restore turned out real nice. Very similar to my first as well, I had that same handle and used a TGN silvertip. Since then I learned I like shorter lofts and prefer 2-band hair the most. Fun times, looking forward to your future restores.
Ha great first restore Krona! Hopefully not your last!
Funny that I just ordered a 20mm Silvertip from Larry for this same handle! Are you sure its a 250? Mine says 200.
Either way these EverReady handles are great. You see them a lot, but they always look classy and vintage.
Hey there Whipped Dog / Ever ready restore budy! Nice, next restore I will do will have to be a silvertip! Kinda fun, and getting the knots from Larry is quite affordable!
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