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A milder Proraso?


I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a Eucalyptus & Menthol soap that is just a little milder than Proraso. I do enjoy Proraso, and it's pretty invigorating, but since I'm still learning my shaving method, it tends not feel too great after a nick or two (or three).

Thank you all in advance,



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I find that Omega is very close but not as strong as Proraso...
Or you could superlather with a soap like VDH or Williams and the Proraso. That way it cuts down on the effects on Proraso just a bit. You may have to experiment a bit to get the proportions right but this way you get to keep the Proraso.
I picked up the Dovo Shaving Cream from Jim at Vintage Blades. It is a superior product in everyway..........so slick and cushiony. It's really a luxury shave cream. The scent though not overpowering is so pleasant and understated. I can' imagine anyone would be disappointed with this cream. Jim mentioned it's the one he suggests for some of his clients who use a straightedge. I've always found his advice to be straight on.
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