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A deal on Barbasol Brisk AS

No Dollar Generals around these parts, so I set out in search of the famed Barbasol Brisk AS. I was willing to pay a bit more than the store, since the nearest store would be a 300 mile round trip and the gas and time might more than eat any savings. Who but Amazon came to my rescue? Yes indeed, such a deal. 5 (count 'em) 5, bottles of Barbasol Brisk for $16.50 with another 5 bucks for shipping. So 5 bottles for just a smidge over 21 clams. I think I can live with that! You want some yourself? Here's the linky! :thumbup1:

The package arrived in perfect shape and in short order. Nice stuff and worth every penny. SWMBO likes it, I like it, my wallet likes it.
Thought I would try out the Barbasol Brisk so I picked up a bottle at Dollar General today :thumbup1:

It smells good in the bottle. I shall give it a go after my shave in a bit.

So you fellers think it is BETTER than Skin Bracer?
I have never used Skin Bracer either so I won't be able to judge it in that manner.
Thought I would try out the Barbasol Brisk so I picked up a bottle at Dollar General today :thumbup1:

It smells good in the bottle. I shall give it a go after my shave in a bit.

So you fellers think it is BETTER than Skin Bracer?
I have never used Skin Bracer either so I won't be able to judge it in that manner.

Both Skin Bracer and Barbasol Brisk are made by Vi-Jon. To me they are the same, maybe Barbasol Brisk has a bit more menthol or maybe it is my perception that it feels cooler. You can also find the Vi-Jon generic Brisk under drugstore brands (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc.) which again feels kind of the same to me. In the end I think the variations between the 3, if any, are minor, nothing that jumps out at me. I should also note that my sense of smell is not very refined, I can't pick up subtle differences, but again, I don't think there are any for such cheap chemicals.
I feel like I am sneaking around behind Ivory Club's back but......THIS stuff is very quickly becoming my favorite AS!
I absolutely love Barbasol Brisk and I think it is even better than the fabled Barbasol Pacific Rush aftershave.
I can't say enough good things about it.
If Skin Bracer is half this good no wonder it is a classic.
Barbarsol has hit a home run with their line of AS along with Ivy Club and Fla Water you can smell fresh and manly for Cheap.
Barbasol Brisk is good. I think it's better than Skin Bracer. It's smoother after it drys down, but it still lasts a long time. Good stuff.
Thanks for the link, I now have a crazy urge to stock the MSDS for every item in the shave den:lol:

I like the MSDS because it shows the alcohol % in each product. I don't do well with a lot of alcohol in splashes which means I have to stay away from the musk version at 70%. The rest are 52-57% alcohol.
I forget how fortunate I am. I live three blocks from DG in a very small town. My wife works there as well. Yes, I use Brisk and Pacific Rush and like them very well.
I forget how fortunate I am. I live three blocks from DG in a very small town. My wife works there as well. Yes, I use Brisk and Pacific Rush and like them very well.


I live 5 minutes from one, work 3 minutes from a Dollar General and a Family Dollar. Between the two chains, I probably have access to 10-12 of their stores within 30 minutes. :thumbup1:

You better believe if I ever see the Barbasol AS/balm or FD Spice Club on clearance, I'll be the only one in 3 surrounding counties with ANY of those products. :lol:
I picked up a bottle today from DG. About 10 minutes into my ride home, the inside of my car took on a masculine smell. At a stop light I checked the plastic DG bag which contained the aftershave.

The darn lid was leaking, but fortunately only into the bag itself. I was not a happy camper.
I love the brisk, but I swear I think it's a little different scent than Skin Bracer, plus it has a more intense menthol feel to me. Might be all in my head though, just like the AV in the glass and plastic feel different to me.
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