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A couple shots of my brushes (well most of them anyway)

I posted another thread in the General Shave Discussion forum about my collection and got a few comments about my brushes, so I thought I would post better pics of them here. First the Simpsons.
And a group shot of the regular rotation.
And what I believe to be a Simpson AS2M for Bloomingdales. If I am right, I hope to send this to Simpson to have it re-knotted.
And one I am thinking of having Rudy Vey put a Shavemac knot in.
And the picture that got the discussion started on the other thread.
Thanks all. I thought you might like that box, still looks good. I plan on using it for a travel box, I just haven't traveled anywhere yet.
Phew, suddenly my AD doesn't seem quite so bad....

Very nice collection! But blimey...I'd be in the divorce courts if it was me.
Yeah, the secret is in not getting married. Keeps me out of divorce court, and the lawyers hate me for it.
I don't use the NOS 48-50 Aristrocat, because it has never been wet, and I am not sure about the Diplomat, so I haven't used it either. But I have an Aristrocat that I do use. Pretty much everything else is fair game though.
The brushes pretty much all get used, except the ones that are going to be restored.
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