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A Container for MWF

I'm going to buy a puck of MWF soon and can't justify getting the beautiful ceramic container. So does anyone know of a container that actually fits MWF without any modification. I was looking at the Aluminum Container at WCS but I'm not sure if that will work and I sorta like the wood options better. Any help would be great.
MWF fits nicely in the Tabac dish, Old Spice mugs, Anchor Hocking bowls and Mama Bear plastic tubs. If you want a wooden tub, Mama Bear sells a nice one which is what I used to keep my MWF until I bought the ceramic dish.
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Add this accessory,


and I've got what I want.
The MWF ceramic dish opening diameter is 3-1/4 inch. The soap was originally a good bit smaller but swells over time. I would think you need at least a 3-1/8'' dish to hold it properly.
I hereby declare this thread to be sacrilegious. (Okay, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits!)
-Mullah Omar, The Taliban, from somewhere along the Pakistani-Afghanistan border.
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Wanting for wisdom
I hereby declare this thread to be sacreligious. Death to the western infidels!
-Mullah Omar, The Taliban, from somewhere along the Pakistani-Afghanistan border.

Not very funny. Sorry if I seem to have got instantly serious but I'm not a big fan of death.

Antique Hoosier

I'd say buy the original MWF ceramic container. I have tried it both ways and it really dresses up your shave den. The big question I have in regard to the Original ceramic containers is........WHY after over 70 years of producing the product do we NOT see vintage, close to antique MWF containers in the market? These are not throwaway items....anyone have any idea?
I'd say buy the original MWF ceramic container. I have tried it both ways and it really dresses up your shave den. The big question I have in regard to the Original ceramic containers is........WHY after over 70 years of producing the product do we NOT see vintage, close to antique MWF containers in the market? These are not throwaway items....anyone have any idea?

Excellent question!
I'd say buy the original MWF ceramic container. I have tried it both ways and it really dresses up your shave den. The big question I have in regard to the Original ceramic containers is........WHY after over 70 years of producing the product do we NOT see vintage, close to antique MWF containers in the market? These are not throwaway items....anyone have any idea?

This is a good question. How long has MWF been using a ceramic container? I'm guessing the only possible answer is that the older containers were not designed to withstand the test of time.
Just search "Kingsley Shaving Bowl" at Amazon.com. The Kingsley bowl fits the MWF perfectly. That's what I use. It will give you about 1/16" gap around the edges. The lid fits perfectly without touching the soap. Hope that helps.

The MWF ceramic dish opening diameter is 3-1/4 inch. The soap was originally a good bit smaller but swells over time. I would think you need at least a 3-1/8'' dish to hold it properly.

True. Or at least higher so it wont overflow when it swells. My old spice shave mug worked but its too small to allow my 24 mm brushed to swirl properly. I'd suggest getting something of a similar dimension to the container it usually comes with.
I put my refill in a LPDW 4 oz contianer from sunburstbottle.com
It fits well.

+1 (or Mama Bear's container... $2 on her site?)

WHY after over 70 years of producing the product do we NOT see vintage, close to antique MWF containers in the market? These are not throwaway items....anyone have any idea?

They're not throwaway, but they sure do look breakable. Just guessing out loud.

WHY after over 70 years of producing the product do we NOT see vintage, close to antique MWF containers in the market? These are not throwaway items....anyone have any idea?

I'm gonna go out on limb here and guess all the unbroken MWF containers are still in use. The W&B I used this morning is nearly twice that age and still giving great shaves. Seems like a reasonable answer to me. :biggrin:
I have put my puck of Mitchells into a Taylors of Old Bond st shaving cream container that I had recently finished, perfect fit, & allows enough space for the soap to contract & expand.
IMHO the manufacturer distributes this soap in the ceramic container for a reason. There are certainly less costly ways to package and ship soap.

MWF seems best when used on a daily basis. This soap likes to be wet and the ceramic container helps hold in the moisture puck. The loose fitting lid still allows some evaporation to occur.

Is this one of the secrets for making MWF lather?

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