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A bit of Irish Coffee

Just tried this and it has a delicious sent but a little on the weak side, I will up date on its longevity.

I haven't tried that one, but I do have PAA's Bailey's; the scent is so dead on I want to lick the friggin puck . . . not even kidding. Performance is awesome with the CK-6 base.

My good man, allow me to present part of the unwritten B&B Code of Ethics . . .

When presented with, or in consideration or deliberation of, products similar in performance, fragrance, or function one shall err on the side of having both options.

And so spake Zarathustra.
I couldn't find any PAA's site. As I recall it was something of a seasonal offering--the page it used to be on is no longer there. The only place I could find it after a cursory search was Top of the Chain out of Canada, so it's a bit pricey, but frankly not too much more than it was here in the US.
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