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8th Straight shave...it was bound to happen

Well after 7 glorious, non-descript, pain free, passable shaves I have done it...Pain, swelling, bleeding and a poor shave!
Managed matching 1" slices on each cheek and enough fire on my throat to reheat leftovers. Owwwwwww...no idea what I did. I haven't changed anything (not on purpose anyway).

I didn't even get sympathy, my wife actually snickered at the matching cuts:crying:

Think I may have to rest a couple days and then try the same razor again but with many laps on the strop...I think maybe newb stropping could have been the cause? I don't know, seems possible to make a few bad strokes but a whole shave? I think I must have done something to the blade?
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Ouch. I have been there done that, pretty recently too. My upper lip is my major problem area, and I nick it up frequently.

Keep on practicing......:biggrin1:
Yeah, 2nd shave in for me. A nice slice on my cheek. Oh well... got that outta the way! Now you can move on to more adventure!

- Jason
Yeah, 2nd shave in for me. A nice slice on my cheek. Oh well... got that outta the way! Now you can move on to more adventure!

- Jason

Yeah I am sitting here hours later and my face is sore. I am looking across the den at the Aristocrat Jr. sitting there...I will not give in, next shave will be with a straight!
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i haven't cut my face yet, but i managed to nick the tip of my finger while stropping...

i have the ken rup filly and without a handle, my fingers are pretty close to where the blade comes on the return stroke.
Sorry to hear about your last shave. Like all the rest of you newer guys, I have at least one problem area where I keep giving myself a little cut. Should figure that issue out soon enough. I think you will find after taking a little break to let your face heal, you will come back a little more gentle and get a great shave. I know after a few good ones I get cocky and that's when I cut myself the worst. Hope to hear about your next shave being a good one. Heal up quick!
I'm in the same boat you are. Shave #7 yesterday went like a dream - I got as close to BBS as I've ever gotten with a straight and I was really feeling proud of myself.

Shave #8 today was bad news all around - cuts, weepers, irritation, etc. I didn't think I changed anything but I must have gotten either over confident with my shaves and/or sloppy with my stropping. I'm going to try taking it back to basics tomorrow with slow, focused stropping and a very light, slow touch with the razor.
This is what i imagine is going to happen to me when i get my straight, blood everywhere, hope you ok and back on the straight.
I'm in the same boat you are. Shave #7 yesterday went like a dream - I got as close to BBS as I've ever gotten with a straight and I was really feeling proud of myself.

Shave #8 today was bad news all around - cuts, weepers, irritation, etc. I didn't think I changed anything but I must have gotten either over confident with my shaves and/or sloppy with my stropping. I'm going to try taking it back to basics tomorrow with slow, focused stropping and a very light, slow touch with the razor.

hmmm so the solution is avoid the number 8 :huh:

Well I did it. I got shave 9 out of the way today sore face and all. It was more just a touch up to yesterdays fiasco. I took it slow and steady and tried not to think to much or worry. Not bad and considering my face was rough from the day before I did OK! I think tomorrow I will just do a DE touch up and hopefully after that things will be back to normal!

Since the razor performed comfortably today I assume then that the horrible shave came from over confidence and lack of attention, not stropping...lesson learned.
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I use Climb On! Creme for shaves like that, works like a dream and I'm back in the saddle the next day.

I'd say give your razor an extra hundred laps on both the linen and the leather and try it again on Thursday.
Do you hear that??? It's the worlds smallest fiddle playing you a sad song. :tongue: j/k .. Welcome to the club. My first week i got 3 permanent scars.
That's overconfidence for ya, Dod. I think I did it around shave 6 or 7. I doubt that many have not experienced it at least once, just when we think we've 'figured it out'. Very humbling reminder that a STR8 razor should always be approached with respect! After a bit of healing I'm sure you'll be right back at it.
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