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8/8 Friodur in Horn and Horn and Horn

Here is a 8/8 Friodur that I did is Honey Ox Horn, with a aluminum lined Buffalo Horn wedge with a Buffalo Horn spacer at the 3rd pin. Once again, these things are a pain to center properly and this one was the worst I have seen, but after many test fittings it is perfectly centered now. I drilled the 3rd pin spacer a little off center (It looks more so in the pics) to still keep the thick diameter of the spacer there but still clear the tang just fine.




You can see me taking the pic in the pin:

To show how shiny it is:
Now, that it a purdy razor. Wow, that translucent horn is amazing!
And the pics of the razor are outstanding!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful work!

I remember a razor of mine that you were supposed to re-scale for me. I can only imagine how wonderfully it would've turned out. :nonod: :crying:
I am still avaliable as long as you have the time. :001_smile Unfortunately, I am too busy with family and job to give real quick turnarounds like some of the other guys around here.
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