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6 mo of DE

I have been back to a DE for about 6 months now, after about 35 or so years of using multi-blade cartridge razors. Aboiut 15 or so years ago, I gave up the canned goo, as I realized you could not get a good shave from them. Several things I have discovered. I like tallow soaps. MWF is my favorite. I also like Williams. I can get a good lather from either. I live in central Arkansas and have really good water. That may make the difference. I had thought I could live with Astra blades until this week. I had a Feather in my razor (89L) for 7 days and put in a new Astra. While the shave was good, it was not as comfortable or close as the Feather after 7 days. I will probably have to belly up to the bar and spring for the Feathers as my full time blade. I still have to try the Iridiums.

I have also found a local (Hot Springs, AR) soap shop that makes a shaving soap. After getting home and trying it for several days, I can say I like it. It lathers well and is very slick. It needs something for skin coditioning. I talked with Charline the owner. She is going to be exprimenting with lanolin, shea butter as well as Emu oil in her shaving soaps. I am looking forward to these. Her's are the first non-tallow soaps I have really liked. The shop is Bathhouse Soapery and Caldarium. Website www.bathhousesoap.com. She is located on Central Avenenue in Hot Springs. Drop by if you are visiting in Hot Springs.
I'm in DE shaving 6 months myself. I get lots of great shaves using a R89 ( very similar to the DE86L).
Do try the Iridium blades. They are my favorites in the R89! Consistently smooth blade. It's a real joy to shave with it.
I also recommend Permasharp(not Gillette Permasharp) & Gillette Bleue Extra blades. They are very good blades.
I'll have to give the Iridium a try next, I believe that there was some in my sampler pack. Even though I use TOBS Avocado, I wish I could find a local source of bath soap. Enjoy the custom made soap.
I've been using Charline's Mint & Aloe shave soap for awhile and really enjoy it. I, too, find it to be the only non-tallow soap that I use on a regular basis. And it lasts a long time as well. Her other products are great also. The wife likes alot of her stuff and I'm about ready to make another order with her. She's topnotch and recommended.

Did you find her on the internet or have you been to the shop in Hot Springs?
I found her while in Hot Springs and had a great chat with her about shave soaps. I've followed her online and glad she's doing so well. She has a nice product line.
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