I have been back to a DE for about 6 months now, after about 35 or so years of using multi-blade cartridge razors. Aboiut 15 or so years ago, I gave up the canned goo, as I realized you could not get a good shave from them. Several things I have discovered. I like tallow soaps. MWF is my favorite. I also like Williams. I can get a good lather from either. I live in central Arkansas and have really good water. That may make the difference. I had thought I could live with Astra blades until this week. I had a Feather in my razor (89L) for 7 days and put in a new Astra. While the shave was good, it was not as comfortable or close as the Feather after 7 days. I will probably have to belly up to the bar and spring for the Feathers as my full time blade. I still have to try the Iridiums.
I have also found a local (Hot Springs, AR) soap shop that makes a shaving soap. After getting home and trying it for several days, I can say I like it. It lathers well and is very slick. It needs something for skin coditioning. I talked with Charline the owner. She is going to be exprimenting with lanolin, shea butter as well as Emu oil in her shaving soaps. I am looking forward to these. Her's are the first non-tallow soaps I have really liked. The shop is Bathhouse Soapery and Caldarium. Website www.bathhousesoap.com. She is located on Central Avenenue in Hot Springs. Drop by if you are visiting in Hot Springs.
I have also found a local (Hot Springs, AR) soap shop that makes a shaving soap. After getting home and trying it for several days, I can say I like it. It lathers well and is very slick. It needs something for skin coditioning. I talked with Charline the owner. She is going to be exprimenting with lanolin, shea butter as well as Emu oil in her shaving soaps. I am looking forward to these. Her's are the first non-tallow soaps I have really liked. The shop is Bathhouse Soapery and Caldarium. Website www.bathhousesoap.com. She is located on Central Avenenue in Hot Springs. Drop by if you are visiting in Hot Springs.