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$6 find, cleaned up well

First shave with the clog proof was pretty good, little burn on the second pass. Seen this comb in great shape for $6 bucks, gonna have to give it a go.

If you like the Clog Pruf, chances are you'll like the OCMM too.
That one looks like it's in great condition. Nice find!
I just can't believe how we'll SE razors shave. Thought I was getting great shave with my DE, but with a little practice the SE is gonna be the top dog...
Well just finished my first shave with it. Nice and close shave, kept it slow and steady to avoid the burn I earned on the last shave with the clog proof.

Up at the cabin now so I had to use my proraso I have up here for the hard water. I also used the alcohol trick on the blade and it worked, didn't rust instantly like the other blade a few days ago.

I might just be a new convert!
OCMM is my third favorite SE, after Streamline/Jewels and OC Damaskeene.
Let us know how it goes. (Make sure the blade stops are good. I had one with bad blade stops and it ate my face alive. Yours look good in the pic.)
Think the blade stops are in great shape, they appear undamaged and the blade was nice and even all across.

Had to settle for Rite Aid blades while up north in Michigan, believe they are made by American safety razor co. The blade felt smoother than the CVS blades I have at home for the clog pruf.

They will do while I am up a the cabin and will place a order for different blades when I get back home.
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Treets work well for me. Not sure there is a real difference in any of the american made carbon blades as I believe all of them are made by ASR. Congrats on the find :001_smile
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