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500th Post PIF!

Hello Gents!

I've reached 500 posts! I have received a lot of advice (and ADs) on the forum but I do spend most of my time on the Brown Leaf. So I've decided to pay if forward with a few samples of my favourite blends from my local B&W Burlington on Whyte. I know a lot of you guys smoke a lot of tinned and bulk stuff from big suppliers but I can't help but think that there is something awesome about smoking a local blend that is just that little bit different everytime you buy some more.

I'll ship world wide but with the time of year and how far you are from Edmonton we'll see how well it holds up.
Just say "I'm in" in your post
I'm going to pull a name out of my hat.
I'll have it run for until 9 pm MST on Tuesday December 18th.

Good Luck and Happy Smoking!
Fkread, my fantastic Guinness hat has choosen you to win, if you can PM me your mailing address ASAP so I can get it mailed off to you as soon as I can. Thank you everyone for taking part in my first PIF! I hope to have more with all the other ADs I have!

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