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500 Post PIF!!

OK, this board has helped me greatly with shaving and other hobbies. Plus it displays very gentlemanly behavior. So enough with the fluff, here is my PIF:

-Conservatively 95% Razorock Mughetto di Bologna (might have used twice)

This is a Lily of the Valley scent, this is a great soap, just not for me scentwise. It's just collecting dust and deserves better.

-Conservatively 65% Razorock Third Eye (used a couple of times, but took a spoonful for another PIF)

Another great soap, just the sandalwood scent is not for me in this product.

- A small sample of some of my favorite blades: 2 Red IP, 2 Personna Labs, 2 Personna Meds, and unopened package of Feathers (not my favorite but know everyone else loves them)


NOW, for the rules, this PIF is open to everyone, but contributers (any level), stewards, and mods will get their name put in the hat twice. The PIF will be open until Friday at noon (12cst) so I can get it in the mail before the weekend! By everyone I mean everyone North, South, and across the ponds!

ALSO, declare you are "In" and share with everyone a few of your hobbies, aside from wetshaving.

For me,

I hunt (mostly duck, dove(can make you look like you've never shot a gun before), deer, and getting in to turkey)
Working towards my goal of 5k then probably a half
College football on saturday (Go NOLES!!)
and getting back in to cooking.

So GO! :a50:
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Generous PIF Daniel!

Please count me in. I like messing with consumer electronic (PCs, GPSs, Smartphones), travelling when I have a chance and just having good time with family and friends.
Awesome PIF I'm in! My favorite hobbies are: weightlifting (kettlebells) hunting, fishing, backpacking, archery, and making traditional bamboo backed longbows. Oh, and collecting shave soaps :)
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Great PIF for sure! Some of my hobbies are playing guitar and upright bass (most any instrument i can get my hands on), bicycles, traveling and collecting records.
I'm in! Thanks for the opertunity.

I am a DJ and enjoy my gas powered RC cars ocasionaly. I also am heavily into golf.
Count me in. I have found that I can combine three hobbies into one. When I play golf, I spend time hunting for lost golf balls, and fishing ​golf balls out of water hazards.
I'm In!
Very generous PIF BTW. Other hobbies include tinkering/ riding motorcycles, running adn what seems to be an endless list of yead tasks this year LOL
Awesome PIF I'm in! My favorite hobbies are: weightlifting (kettlebells) hunting, fishing, backpacking, archery, and making traditional bamboo backed longbows. Oh, and collecting shave soaps :)

Tell me more about these longbows. I am in, and enjoy music, going to concerts, movies, and recently have been trying to hunt. My daughter is my best hobby, and the reason I tried hunting, and more recently archery. Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the generous PIF! I'm in! Other hobbies include my new Jeep, motorcycle riding, hiking with my son, computer games, politics etc...
Please count me in.

I am an avid Martial Artist and motorcyclist (well the second one is not as avid as I would like, but what can ya do)
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