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39C+ Gillette black


my brain goes "thonk"
I used a fresh Gillette 7 O'CLOCK Super Platinum and it was a 99.99% perfect match. I did a get little irritation, but not like I got with the feathers. Not that I don't Feathers I just think I starting to like the blacks better. They are milder I will say that! I do get an realoly good shave with the 38C and the blacks . Maybe I should stick with that combo.
Hey, whatever works for you! If the Feathers are giving you irritation, lighten up even more with the pressure. A 39C has a lot of weight on it's own so really needs next to 0 pressure to do it's job. I find the slants are very forgiving of any blade I throw in there, as long as I don't use significant pressure! :)
Feathers are not for everyone, pressure or no pressure. These things are extremely sharp. If the blacks are better, just stick with them!

Completely agree. Was just trying to point out that you really do have to be careful with technique when using Feathers. The reward however can be an extremely close shave with 0 tugging. The only two blades that don't tug for me at all, especially around my chin are Astras and Feathers. As in all things, everyones mileage can vary and some love to use Derbys and Dorcos! Two blades that do not work for me at all.

As BJT said though, if the blacks work well for you then no reason to change!
I use Blacks in my Sledge with excellent results but do a tiny bit better with SI's (originals) and Med Preps.
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