I mentioned in another thread that I was trying out my new Garmin Xero C1 Pro chronograph, and finally got to check velocities on ammo I like. One of the tests I wanted to run was my .38 Super carry load, the Underwood 124 gr JHP, and compare it to my previous .38 Super carry load, the now discontinued Sig V-Crown 125 gr JHP. This test was using my carry Super, a Para Ordnance frame with Caspian slide and a 5" Nowlin barrel.
Here's the five-shot results with the Underwood ammo:
I plan to build up a carry load for the Super using 1,000 pieces of the 125 V-Crown bullets I sourced about a year ago. Until I do that, I feel fine carrying the Underwood ammo.
Here's the five-shot results with the Underwood ammo:
- 1,350.0
- 1,372.3
- 1,353.1
- 1,347.8
- 1,329.4
- Five-shot average: 1,351 FPS, with energy of 503 FP
- 1,257.7
- 1,239.6
- 1,261.4
- 1,276.4
- 1,290.4
- Five-shot average: 1,265 FPS, with energy of 444 FP
I plan to build up a carry load for the Super using 1,000 pieces of the 125 V-Crown bullets I sourced about a year ago. Until I do that, I feel fine carrying the Underwood ammo.