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34c or 38c

I just found this forum and was interested in DE shaving and found the general consensus for a decent model is the Merkur HD 34c.
I visited the Merkur site and the 38c appears to be the same as the 34c with a longer handle. Is it? And what about the Vision? Would it be a valid choice for a beginner?
Would I be better off getting that since all my experience is with double and triple edged plastic blades?

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Had both. I had the 34G which is the gold plated version and the Chrome 38. I love the weight of the 38C better and the slightly longer handle makes it easier to grip and basically shave with.
I have large hands, and I originally went for a 38c. It felt too long as I would start to hit the curves between my jaw, and in the neck area. It was then I realized that it was just too cumbersome. I got a Merkur HD (open comb) for Father's Day this year, and I love it. Go with the HD, Doc. :thumbup1:
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