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22mm super badger fan loft

Any suggestions/experience with a TGN 22mm super badger fan knot? Wondering what loft to set it in a nice lucite and white handle. I like em with body and low loft, but sometimes I think the fans need a little room to spread.

Anyone out there set one and if so what loft and what do you think?

Oh, that is pretty. Alas, this is a lucite handle with a 20mm knot hole and I can't go any deeper. What do you think about 53mm? If I grind a bit of the plug off I could go that deep, but it is considerably higher than 47.

I tend to think you are all right. I was going to put a black in this one but my son convinced me the super looks better, and he is right. But the black looks good as well and I don't want to go for looks over function, I hate a floppy brush.
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