Hello to everyone at B&B. I'm a new member to the forum and love the site! I have a question which I know will be more of a matter of opinion for most of you. But any feed back would be great. I was lucky enough to come into two gillette super speed flair tip razors. Both were owned by my grandfathers, one from my mothers side and one from my fathers. One is a 1956 blue tip and the other is also a 1956 but its a standard silver tip. I just happened to come upon a red tip super speed which to my amazement was also a 1956 model! Now remember I dont have the boxes or packages for any of the three razors and I would never really consider selling them. But my question is, if I were to sell the three 1956 models in blue, silver, and red what would a reasonable value be for the set? Thanks to everyone for any input!