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1948 Aristocrat

Just got this crat from the bay. 1948. She's a beaut!:thumbup: $P1050053.jpg $P1050048.jpg$P1050051.jpg$P1050052.jpg$P1050042.jpg:biggrin1:
Do you know what is better then how awesome they look - and yours is a beauty - is that they are incredible shavers. Whenever I have one out on the sink, it stays there a long time before I move on to another one.


Looks Clean, Those Aristocrat Razors have some serious Sexy appeal to them, In a Masculine way of course :thumbup:

Awesome find..
Thank you all! This is my second, I also lucked out and got a '47 . What a great shave ! and all because one day I found this neat forum about wet shaving.
I bought my first Aristocrat right here from another B&B member and it is by far my favorite razor! I have another on the way.
There are others that shave better, and others that are more rare or more costly. But there's just something about shaving with that big hunk of post-war engineering topped off with gold-plated goodness . . . . and for goodness' sake, it's called an Aristocrat. There's nothing today that compares in overall coolness.
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