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1898 Zinn Gem Automatic

Hi all

Just received my 1898 Zinn Gem Automatic from D.Irving79 and thought I'd share! I'm very excited - it's like Christmas day all over again. I've attached photos for those who want to drool.

I shaved with it tonight. To be honest, it wasn't the best shave of my life, BUT it was definitely the best shave I've had with a new razor. Ended up with a DFS shave after four passes. Absolutely no irritation, but I did get a few small nicks on my ATG pass - I think it was angle as I only had a few when I started the pass, and it stopped when I tweaked slightly. It felt very gentle, but was nicely responsive. So, I am very happy and looking forward to the next shave!



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Very nice indeed. So many different kinds of razor still to learn about. About the name "automatic", is this for some special feature of the razor, or was it just a model name?
for this razor all you did was put in a disposable blade and shave vs. every other razor of the time that you had to hone/strop the blades, adjust screws for proper blade seating, etc.
Oh dear - I've got a dilemma! Admittedly a self inflicted one.... I've had one shave with the 1898 already, but my new 1912 has just arrived, and I have an E-3 injector arriving in a few days. I want to try them all at once! I guess I should be sensible and stick with the 1898 for a while first....
Yes - injector blades work well in it.

so modern standard single edge blades won't work in this?

also, since injector blades work, you could experiment with cutting down the feather disposable straight-razor blades (which are identical to injector blades just longer).

i gave this a try using regular injector razors with the feather straight blades and it worked well.

anyway, congrats on a terrific acquisition.
No, I wouldn't have thought so. Haven't tried, but the head doesn't look deep enough to accept them.

Out of interest, why do you suggest cutting feather disposable straight blades rather than just using injector blades? Can't get my head around that one.

Just had shave number two - good, but still experimenting with blade position and angle. I had too much blade out this time and it bit me... grr. Loving the challenge though!

so modern standard single edge blades won't work in this?

also, since injector blades work, you could experiment with cutting down the feather disposable straight-razor blades (which are identical to injector blades just longer).

i gave this a try using regular injector razors with the feather straight blades and it worked well.

anyway, congrats on a terrific acquisition.
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