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15 years ago today

There are quite a few YT-ers that I like, but Mantic remains the only one that actually KNOWS what the heck he's talking about.

A lot of guys, while humorous and charming in their videos, go pretty much by the seat of their pants... like if it works for them, it should work for anyone. Ahem.

Mantic is the "scientist", he explains WHY smth. works or doesn't work and HOW to go about it if it doesn't.

He's in the class of its own. No contest.
I learned a lot from him over the years.

Thanks to him, I can calibrate the settings on any Progress as well as any Variant and customize the knobs myself. “Always remember to remove the blade first”.

Great guy!


Needs milk and a bidet!
I suppose we can’t deny the guy has introduced traditional wet shaving to many folks. For me, I never could get in to the YouTube‘ers. Still can’t. For every 1 guy that truly wants to help others there are 10 shirtless, axe using, peanut butter lathering, celebrity wannabees that care nothing about your shaving comfort and everything about making themselves famous and thus becoming a commercialized sludge dweller.

I’ll stick to the actual users and advice from people I trust.

15 years is a load of time though. 6 years longer than my wet-shaving journey. Congrats!
I agree! I believe Mantic59’s YouTube videos are especially content rich, technically informative, diligently prepared, and efficiently presented. Thank you Mantic59.


I shaved a fortune
I'll be able to celebrate one year............. next Feb. 15th...

so, congrats on 15 years.. amazing.
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