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12.00 Fat Boy

For a whopping 12.00 i picked up a nearly new Fat Boy at a local antique shop. A shop seems to give way better chance of a deal than any Ebay listing as they do not appear to know the value of razors or believe that anyone would shave with it.

Plus it is just you and the clerk and a somtimes rusted, tarnished piece of tin in their eyes as was the case with my 2.00 Sheraton.

This one has a cracked case and a few old blades in the rear bank at the bottom of the carrier which as you see still has a few new ones I surmise they shaved with it only a few times and put it down for whatever reason.


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What is that darkening on the handle in the one picture. Is it just grime or tarnish? I know the FB's are nickel, but I don't know if nickel tarnishes like silver does. I didn't think so, but I really don't know. Either way, for $12 you can't beat that deal with a stick....and a case to boot. Nice score. I need to start scoping out some local shops and antique malls/dealers in my area. It's a good, cheap way to spend a Saturday and you never know when you'll find a treasure.
It looks like it would be NOS if it wasn't for being stored in the barn for 50 years. :lol: Actually, it looks like a excellent candidate for a show and shine after being cleaned up. Nice find, congrats
Well done! I bought one for $5.00 but it does not look nearly that good. Not much to look at but shaves great. Your's will really be nice after a good cleaning.
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