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Valobra Cream Soap: Menthol

Item Description



This is a strange product. It's a cream but it comes in a box wrapped in paper like a soap. It's much firmer than other creams making it seem almost like a bar of soap but you use it my pinching pieces off and whipping it like a cream.

Price: It costs 10$ for 150 grams making it a similar value to Proraso and more costly per gram than some value brands like KMF and Tom's

Quality: The product has no quality issues. Texture and color are even.

Scent: Soapy, a natural Ivory soap sort of scent with a light Menthol touch. A very nice light clean scent. In the same "scent category" as proraso but not nearly as peppy and exciting.

Lather: The cream is firm and concentrated and the snurdle of cream doesn't break up immediatlely in the bowl, even so lather "explodes" and begins to form immediatley. A small pinch of cream makes a big overflowing bowl of lather. It may not be the best cream to lather on the face because it is thick and needs a good mixing.

Efficacy/Moisturizing: Not as rich or slick as some creams. Lubricating but maybe not too cushiony The lather rinses easily. Non-drying.

Packaging: Here is an interesting one. I don't feel the packaging is really the best from a functional standpoint but I still gave it a ten for aesthetic reasons. The packaging is what drove me to buy this product. To put a cream in a box rather than a tub or tube seems very "old world" to me and sets this apart from other items. There is a simple label on the front in Italian. I took a point away because the cream is wrapped in plastic wrap and I might have preferred wax paper.


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Pros: Excellent quality
A truly first class soap, works up into a luscious, moist clean smelling lather without undue effort (face lathering for me).

It leaves my skin smooth and closely shaven and I find it very difficult to draw blood due to the slickness of Valobra.

The scent is.......well....clean, but there's not a lot of it. It starts out mildly Almond but that soon fades and you're left with the pleasant clean scent.

It doesn't overly moisturise my skin, but it doesn't dry it out either.

Definitely one of my favourites
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Moisturizing Properties
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I was excited to try out Valobra Menthol. The product, in my opinion, smells horrible. I let it air out for a few days and that helped. It lathers easily, but for my skin, it did not work well. Whenever I shaved, I would get a few weepers.

It didn't matter if I facelathered, bowlathered, added more water, added less water, added more product, added less product, it didn't matter. If I shaved with this product, I would get weepers, and that is why I stopped using Valobra.

I will say that the menthol kick is a little lacking, as is the moisturizing properties.

I sold Valobra after a few uses. It seems to work for a lot of people, but not for me.
I have been an P.160 user for years and have just recently found Valobra. The texture of the soap is much more moist. This is not a problem if you are used to using Italian soaps. I thought the quality is superb. It lathers with the best and the lather is very slick and luxurious. The scent was not strong and the menthol was almost non existent until the last face rinsing. Then I felt a faint cooling sensation and I must say, it was very refreshing. I would highly recommend this soap to everyone.
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Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)

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0.27 star(s) 15 ratings

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