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Tryphon American Spices

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The baby quote was from my wife, who occasionally likes to select my soap or cream. This time she picked out the Tryphon, which has sat unused since I got it as part of a package deal on the BST so I can't comment on the price. She described the smell as above: I didn't get it, the smell for me was nondescript. I lathered up as I would any soap (splot of water on top for 2 mins, then brush straight into pot, then face lather), and I was disappointed with the lather - quite thin. The shave was OK, but certainly not great, and nowhere near as good as when I shave with Tabac, C&E Sandalwood, or one of the QED soaps.

I could not recommend this, and would hesitate about giving it away to a noob in case I put them off shaving.

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...and would hesitate about giving it away to a noob in case I put them off shaving.

youch! :blushing:
The baby quote was from my wife, who occasionally likes to select my soap or cream. This time she picked out the Tryphon, which has sat unused since I got it as part of a package deal on the BST so I can't comment on the price. She described the smell as above: I didn't get it, the smell for me was nondescript. I lathered up as I would any soap (splot of water on top for 2 mins, then brush straight into pot, then face lather), and I was disappointed with the lather - quite thin. The shave was OK, but certainly not great, and nowhere near as good as when I shave with Tabac, C&E Sandalwood, or one of the QED soaps.

I could not recommend this, and would hesitate about giving it away to a noob in case I put them off shaving.
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