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New Feather SS

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As one who only uses quality Feather or Kai straights I just got both the folding and the nonfolding Feather SS straights. I had my first shave today with the folding model SS straight. All I can say is the shave was nothing less than phenomenal. Any Feather used with any Feather blade will be much sharper than a traditional straight, hence their reputation of being less forgiving. Its true, they are certainly one very sharp razor. The new SS, IMHO has it all over the other Feather straights. To start with its very light compared to any of the AC straights. However the new head design makes for an almost effortless shave due to the ridge that is built into the head. Its very easy to move around your face, and makes it harder to nick or cut yourself. Of course after improving my technique with the AC's to the point of being able to get DFS and even BBS with either the folding or the nonfolding model's, using the new SS is almost too easy. As you can see from the above ratings, all appropriate boxes are #10 except for the price which I thought was just a bit high, because the SS comes with a plastic handle instead of the heavier AC versions. This is not a big problem though, as the razor still handle's easy, and shaves great. This is the only drawback that I can see, and it in no way changes how good the razor shaves.

I've been very impressed with both the Feather AC's and the Kai's for some time. And being one who learned how to use a straight, and cut his teeth on straights, through the Feather, I find this new SS to be head and shoulders above any other disposable blade straight out there today. This first shave was one is the best shave's I've ever had with any Feather straight. There were no nicks or cuts or any irritation at all. This straight is very comfortable and really easy to use. For anyone looking to get into straights, without any of the hassle of a regular straight, what could be easier, just change the blade when it gets dull, The new Feather SS is right at the top of my list. :thumbup1:

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Pros: SHARP! Smooth shave, fine craftsmanship.
Cons: Wish it came with a travel case.
Like many of us on here, I have travelled the roads of DE, SE, and straight shaving. After hesitating for a long while (mostly because of the price), about four months ago I pulled the trigger and ordered the non-folding Feather SS. I picked up a pack of the professional blades, as well as a pack of the pro-guard blades.

The difference in shaves between the Feather and anything else I've used previously was immediately obvious. The sharpness of the blade (even the pro-guard) was incredible. The shave is incredibly smooth and consistent. (one definite advantage of the disposable blades)

While this razor (and the blades) are not the most cost-effective compared to some other options, I find I get a better quality shave with less effort than the (many) other options I currently own. Since purchasing the Feather, I've found myself almost exclusively using it instead of going through a rotation like I usually have in the past.

I will say that the razor definitely demands respect as you would with any other straight (perhaps more). It is extremely sharp, you will nick yourself with it periodically if not diligent. I do honestly find myself nicking myself more often with this than my straights, though I haven't had any serious cuts with the Feather.

I am averaging about 10x 2-pass shaves per blade, so the longevity is pretty good there.

Overall: LOVE IT, though I do wish it came with a travel case like the DX. I've had to improvise a little in that regard.
2.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
5.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
5.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
4.00 star(s)
As one who only uses quality Feather or Kai straights I just got both the folding and the nonfolding Feather SS straights. I had my first shave today with the folding model SS straight. All I can say is the shave was nothing less than phenomenal. Any Feather used with any Feather blade will be much sharper than a traditional straight, hence their reputation of being less forgiving. Its true, they are certainly one very sharp razor. The new SS, IMHO has it all over the other Feather straights. To start with its very light compared to any of the AC straights. However the new head design makes for an almost effortless shave due to the ridge that is built into the head. Its very easy to move around your face, and makes it harder to nick or cut yourself. Of course after improving my technique with the AC's to the point of being able to get DFS and even BBS with either the folding or the nonfolding model's, using the new SS is almost too easy. As you can see from the above ratings, all appropriate boxes are #10 except for the price which I thought was just a bit high, because the SS comes with a plastic handle instead of the heavier AC versions. This is not a big problem though, as the razor still handle's easy, and shaves great. This is the only drawback that I can see, and it in no way changes how good the razor shaves.

I've been very impressed with both the Feather AC's and the Kai's for some time. And being one who learned how to use a straight, and cut his teeth on straights, through the Feather, I find this new SS to be head and shoulders above any other disposable blade straight out there today. This first shave was one is the best shave's I've ever had with any Feather straight. There were no nicks or cuts or any irritation at all. This straight is very comfortable and really easy to use. For anyone looking to get into straights, without any of the hassle of a regular straight, what could be easier, just change the blade when it gets dull, The new Feather SS is right at the top of my list. :thumbup1:
4.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
1.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
1.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
5.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
5.00 star(s)

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2.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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