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Ming Shi

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To start with, I should admit that this is the first DE razor I've shaved with so take my review with a grain of salt.

Fit and finish was much better then I expected, rattled a little open but it didn't make a sound when it was closed.

Seems to be a very forgiving razor, I discovered a few small cuts after my shave but nothing deep. I would say it's a great razor for a noob (me) :blushing:

All in all, I'd say this razor is a good value, easy to use, and it gave me a very nice close shave.

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I got a Ming Shi (Shaving Factory) razor as a prize recently in the Carnival of Smiles.

I have used it for about a week, and thought I would offer up my review.

This is attempting to be a Superspeed clone, and does a fairly good job of it. Build quality is not quite up to par with that of a vintage Superspeed, but that's to be expected. Specifically one of the silo doors sits a little higher when closed than the other.

The razor does rattle a little when in the open position.

The razor is fairly lightweight, and fairly mild on the aggressiveness scale.

In terms of grip, the handle is almost entirely smooth except for a couple of flutes. I could see the possibility of dropping it if you have wet hands.

Considering the price (around $15) this is a very good razor for a newbie, who likes the TTO mechanism of a Superspeed, but wants a new razor.

I wonder about it durability long term, but it seems to shave just fine, and gives me a very nice quality shave.
3.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
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User Friendly
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)
I just bought the ming shi along with Derby blades too, and I just had my first shave today. It took about 5 passes or so, but I got a pretty good shave, almost as close as my mach 3. No burn, no nicks.

The only thing I would complain about is the handle: it did get a little slippery and I had to keep wiping it off.
The Superspeed was Gilettes non-adjustable twist-to-open razor, made from the 1940's on through the 1970's or so.

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