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Kell's Original Hemp/Ultra Aloe

Item Description

I love pine-sage scents, but too many are like Pine Sol. This one, however is very natural---a dry, subtle smell, like crushed juniper needles.

The soap itself is very slick, soothing and lathers very well. I am a bit sensitive to glycerine soaps (Conk and I don't get along at all) but this is great for me. It has double the aloe of Kell's Hemp/Aloe soap.

Worth a try for sensitive skin types and/or anyone who is looking for a nice pine scent.

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Pros: Quick lather, mild scent, very slick, inexpensive
Cons: None so far
I was given a gift of the Kell's Original Hemp/Aloe Unscented shave soap and held off using it for a while because it had no scent and I did not find it invigorating. On a whim, I decided it was worth trying out and how I should have used this earlier!!

This soap loaded like none-other on the brush and made a thick and luscious lather in the bowl with no added water aside from what was on the brush. It lathered quickly and in beautiful excess.

Applying it was wonderful as it was soft and creamy and cool, providing a nice cushiony and moisturizing layer between the brush bristles and my face.

Shaving with it was second-to-none. No resistance from the blade (used a Merkur slant with Personna Med Prep). And furthermore I got a closer shave that I had with some other brand soaps and creams.

At $5 for a cake or $8.00 for a tin, it is well worth the price for a quality product.
5.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
I love pine-sage scents, but too many are like Pine Sol. This one, however is very natural---a dry, subtle smell, like crushed juniper needles.

The soap itself is very slick, soothing and lathers very well. I am a bit sensitive to glycerine soaps (Conk and I don't get along at all) but this is great for me. It has double the aloe of Kell's Hemp/Aloe soap.

Worth a try for sensitive skin types and/or anyone who is looking for a nice pine scent.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)

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2.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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