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Gillette Heavy Super Speed (Red Tip)

Item Description

I started DE shaving with a Gillette adjustable Slim. I found that I got my smoothest most irritation free shaves with the Slim dialed up as high as it would go. Knowing the red tips reputation for a fairly aggressive shave, I figured I'd give it a try and bought my first one from a fellow B&B member. It was fantastic. I liked the balance and heft of the red tip better than either a Slim or Fatboy and I loved the BBS shaves I was getting with it. It is much simpler than the adjustables. The settings can't mistakenly get set to something other than what you like. There is no adjustment dial to mung up with crud over time. The build quality is excellent and the shave is consistently as good as the best shaves I ever got with an adjustable turned all the way up. It's elegance is it's simplicity. I think the Red Tip is one of the best of the Gillette safety razors.

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Pros: gillette, quality ease of use
Cons: none
Love this razor, it is about the same level of aggressiveness as my 1969 Super Adjustable on 8 which is my sweet spot. It's quality Gillette made and replacing blades is a snap. There are times I want a less aggressive shave and this can't be dialed down, but it is super sweet as it is. I might need to replate in the future, but for now I'm very pleased.
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4.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Just the right agressiveness
Cons: none
My Dad gave me a red tip when I was 16. I had to discard it in military basic training as it was to groady for them. I returned to wet shaving a year ago. My son gave me an Edwin Jager D89. I now have 4 DE razors. Slim adjustable, red tip super speed, a blue tip super speed and the EJ. So I have lots of comparisons. When I use the Slim I tend to adjust it to the same aggressiveness as the red tip so I wind up using the red tip the most. For some reason the angle of the Gillette gives a smoother shave than the EJ and results in greater blade life. I've tried both several times with the same blade and at the same time on different places on my face to reach this conclusion. My razor was all rusty from some old blade and after cleaned up looked near new. Mostly using Gillette blades made in Russia. Happy shaving.
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3.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Handle has great grip/ Shave is moderate (IMO) no irritation
Cons: Wish I'd gotten one sooner
I managed to get ahold of my Red Tip from an eBay auction. The razor was one of the best as far as condition that I had seen. This was my second TTO, most of my DE's are 2 and 3 piece. I didn't expect much from a TTO but after using this one I was sold and have since purchased a few more. The Red Tip is a fine piece of 60's shaving engineering and I have not doubt that this will last me another 60 years, as I plan to take good care of it. Now to the shave, as I said I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised at how well this razor worked for me. I felt the aggressiveness was mild to moderate and it left me no irritation at all. The weight was lighter than I expected but since it is heavier on the head it worked out perfectly form. The handle is one of the best that I've ever held and allows for very good maneuverability, which I need because I have beard cowlicks, so I normally shave using many angles and directions with 2 to 3 short stroke passes. I have 13 DE's and even as a vintage razor it is one of my favorites. If you have the occasion to purchase one of these razors, DO IT you will not be disappointed.

Ranking Notes:
Price - Because of the amazing condition.
Adjustability - Its not Adjustable
Aggressiveness - I found it perfect
Grip - None Better

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3.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)

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0.68 star(s) 34 ratings

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