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Diptyque Tam Dao Perfumed Body Soap

Item Description

Simply put, soap gets you clean. Any grocery store brand performs just as well as something twice or three times the price. If you want more variety, you can go the higher-end route and there are countless options for something a little more unique than your usual Dial or Dove. Popular European brands are more expensive but also last longer, or have exotic ingredients. And then there's the third tier: designer soaps with designer fragrances, which come in gift boxes, meant to enhance the experience of your favorite cologne or EDT. They're too expensive but they're an indulgence -- you splurge for a bit of pampering. And they're not meant as an everyday expense. Diptyque's luxury soaps obviously fall into this category.

Price: $15 for a single 100g bar. $35 for a box of three -- yeah, ridiculous, considering C&E sells comparable soaps for about 50% less. So why didn't I give it a "1"? Because I imagine that it could be worse. You never know with this stuff.

Quality: Tip-top. French luxury. It doesn't say on the box but I believe the soap is triple-milled. And it contains glycerin, palm oil, and almond oil.

Latherability: Takes a bit more work than, say, C&E soap but the lather is identical. Wonderful, creamy stuff.

Moisturizing: Perfect, as it should be. No complaints.

Scent: Basically identical to Tam Dao EDT with a softer/soapier background. And these bars are generously scented, make no mistake. While Mysore Sandal Soap retains its crown as the best sandal-scented soap available (thanks to its EO content and price), with Tam Dao soap, Diptyque has managed to capture the quality of the perfume that real sandalwood gives off while cutting out the sharp, woody background -- which is present in Mysore Sandal soap and the Tam Dao EDT. The result is a deep, musky aroma that recalls the sultry atmosphere of an ancient Indian palace at nightfall.

Efficacy: Leaves you feeling and smelling woderful, with your skin perfumed and soft. "The Royal chamber is ready and the rajkumari is waiting for you, saab." :devil: :wink1:

Packaging: The box of 3 soaps is decorated with Diptyque's black-&-white, Asian-inspired artwork for Tam Dao. The soaps are individually-wrapped in crimped paper and sealed. Normally I wouldn't even rate this category, but I have to say that while it's nice enough, C&E soaps have a better presentation.

Overall this is a great soap and a true luxury item. Would I buy it again? Probably not, because the price is truly ridiculous. I'll probably stick to my trusted Mysore Sandal. But for Tam Dao fans that like to layer and/or feel like a maharajah, it's worth a go if you want to treat yourself.

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Simply put, soap gets you clean. Any grocery store brand performs just as well as something twice or three times the price. If you want more variety, you can go the higher-end route and there are countless options for something a little more unique than your usual Dial or Dove. Popular European brands are more expensive but also last longer, or have exotic ingredients. And then there's the third tier: designer soaps with designer fragrances, which come in gift boxes, meant to enhance the experience of your favorite cologne or EDT. They're too expensive but they're an indulgence -- you splurge for a bit of pampering. And they're not meant as an everyday expense. Diptyque's luxury soaps obviously fall into this category.

Price: $15 for a single 100g bar. $35 for a box of three -- yeah, ridiculous, considering C&E sells comparable soaps for about 50% less. So why didn't I give it a "1"? Because I imagine that it could be worse. You never know with this stuff.

Quality: Tip-top. French luxury. It doesn't say on the box but I believe the soap is triple-milled. And it contains glycerin, palm oil, and almond oil.

Latherability: Takes a bit more work than, say, C&E soap but the lather is identical. Wonderful, creamy stuff.

Moisturizing: Perfect, as it should be. No complaints.

Scent: Basically identical to Tam Dao EDT with a softer/soapier background. And these bars are generously scented, make no mistake. While Mysore Sandal Soap retains its crown as the best sandal-scented soap available (thanks to its EO content and price), with Tam Dao soap, Diptyque has managed to capture the quality of the perfume that real sandalwood gives off while cutting out the sharp, woody background -- which is present in Mysore Sandal soap and the Tam Dao EDT. The result is a deep, musky aroma that recalls the sultry atmosphere of an ancient Indian palace at nightfall.

Efficacy: Leaves you feeling and smelling woderful, with your skin perfumed and soft. "The Royal chamber is ready and the rajkumari is waiting for you, saab." :devil: :wink1:

Packaging: The box of 3 soaps is decorated with Diptyque's black-&-white, Asian-inspired artwork for Tam Dao. The soaps are individually-wrapped in crimped paper and sealed. Normally I wouldn't even rate this category, but I have to say that while it's nice enough, C&E soaps have a better presentation.

Overall this is a great soap and a true luxury item. Would I buy it again? Probably not, because the price is truly ridiculous. I'll probably stick to my trusted Mysore Sandal. But for Tam Dao fans that like to layer and/or feel like a maharajah, it's worth a go if you want to treat yourself.
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