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Creed Green Irish Tweed Shaving Soap

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Well, as I stated in my synopsis, the cost-value of a soap that costs $55 (USD), note I paid 7000円 which roughly equates to the $55 price tag, is constantly on your mind when purchasing and thereafter using such a comparably costly product. I put it to use a couple of days after purchasing it from Barney's New York here in Tokyo. I wanted to give it a full week of my attention before coming to any conclusions. Now my 2 cents worth, or maybe it is 55 dollars worth of an opinion.

Price: Well I think that I have covered it. One word: High (yet not unreachable). Yet we all know that soaps last quite awhile. In the long run, probably not as expensive as my Penhaligons Shaving Creams.

Quality: The soap comes in an attractive box. The plastic wrapped soap itself in inside a 'pine' bowl, with a nice seal/sticker on the lid. Let me first comment on the bowl itself. Pine? And...pine! Well I wasn't too impressed with the bowl it is made of pine and is quite rough (no finishing sanding). But I did like the embossed seal on the lid. The soap itself has the CREED crest stamped into it, that is typical in triple milled-style soaps. The initial scent, after taking off the plastic wrapping, is nice and lessens after open.

Scent: The scent, as I just stated, is nice to begin with and lessened after the initial opening. Over the week I would go to my shaving cabinet and hold the soap under my nose and take a whiff and almost smell the pine bowl more than the soap itself. When lathering the soap there is just a hint of the Green Irish Tweed fragrance and it is as most perfume infused soap tend to be fleeting. I didn't get ill at smelling it at 5:00 AM when I do my shaving so I have to say that it was nice. Not outstanding or fabulous but nice.

Lather: As I am more of a cream man than soap I may be little less patient when it comes to creating lather from a puck of soap, but this week I gave it all the time it needed and deserved to get the lather to its max with the tools and skills that I possess. I only have a Shavemac in Silvertip at 23 mm (knot size). This brush has fulfilled all of my basic shaving needs and is all I have need thus far in my shaving career. Although, in the future, I would like to try it with a Chubby-like brush. (Side note: SWMBO has effectively stymied any attempt at SBAD, for the time being. I plan on slowly increasing my repertoire in the years to come. I have found that too much of any good thing deadens the senses (desensitisation) and I would appreciate the increase in variety as the years progress.) Back to the lather; it was good but not great or anything.

Efficacy: I did get a good shave everyday I used this soap. No nicks or painful aftermath. But following the trend of the previous two factors it just left me feeling fine, good, okay. Not that I was expecting anything more than what I got. I am more of a realist and like to be happily surprised. As for an overall outcome it was just fine.

Moisturizing: No drying out of the skin after using this soap. Mind you, I am in the middle of the rainy season and humidity levels of late (namely the last week) have been quite high. I will have to give it another go when winter (less humid) days are more prevalent. Overall it has good moisturizing quality.

I have used this soap for one week only and I will, if I find the need, make additions and alterations to this review if things/opinions change in the future.

I also used the sample Green Irish Tweed Eau de Parfume in combination with this soap. I enjoyed this fragrance and definitely like it but everyday was a bit much for me. Actually I used the Green Irish Tweed soap this morning to complete the week and instead used some Floris JF Eau de Toilette. Would I buy the Green Irish Tweed soap again? I don’t know I’ll have to answer that when this one has been used up. I hope to continue to enjoy fine shaves and mellow fragrances when I do use it. It will be added to my rotation. Perhaps a Sunday soap, when I have fewer time constraints, before going to church.

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I tried this as part of a free trial PIF from the wonderful Mr. Scruffy, so at first glance my price analysis may seem unfounded. However, assuming you're reviewing with the intent to purchase, I think the rating is more than fair. To sum up the soap, you're getting a really good shave at a really steep price.

Not that the soap isn't a good soap and the shaving experience doesn't border on great--it is and it does! The soap is an easy latherer--you'll have suds flowing just loading up the brush, and that load is enough to really bust out the scent--and oh what a scent!

The scent is flat out wonderful--the best, most pervasive and most long-lasting of any soap I've tried. Equally good lathering up in the bowl or on the face, I still found the end product a bit thin--if still quite efficacious.

Defying the seeming thinness of the lather, it provides fine slickness and a good quality shave. It lacks cushion, but it doesn't effect the comfort of the shave. Indeed, you'll get a wonderfully close shave and it'll feel good to boot!

You'll get a good quality shave, good quality lather and an amazing scent. The problem is it'll set you back more than your fair share of cash to do so. In the end, I just couldn't see myself being happy with the purchase if I payed full price for a puck. I think for the money there are better soaps and there are equally as good shaves to be had for 1/2 the price.
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I was fortunate to be included in Mr. Scruffy's puck pass for this one. As a result, I don't think it's fair for me to comment on price, even though I know what the soap sells for. Beyond that, I must say that I'm happy I tried the soap through the pass, rather than purchasing it. The details follow:

Quality - Creed is a known entity here on the forum, and has certainly been around long enough to have developed a reputation for making quality products. I did not see the unfinished pine bowl the soap originally shipped in, but that aspect of the soap is well documented. I deducted some points from my evaluation because I am confident the consistent and collective experience of fellow members here is accurate. The soap itself appears to be of high quality.

The puck I received had been through a number of hands, yet it was still in respectable condition. It was not suffering from any odd breakdowns, splitting or other visible issues.

Scent - What is not to love here? I asked to join this puck pass, in part, because I am a fan of the Green Irish tweed scent. I own the EdT, and so I had to try the soap. Fans of the cologne will NOT be disappointed. The soap is a dead ringer for the juice! Lathering the soap simply left me elated as the scent quickly filled the shave den. It was as if I was floating in a pool of Green Irish Tweed, and I had to struggle to wipe the smile off my face so I could shave without cutting my cheek open!

Lather - Here is where my disappoinment creeped in. It took a bit of time to figure out the lather on this one. In the end, I got what looked like a decent lather. It appeared creamy and thick. It had a beautiful shiny sheen. But no matter what I did, the lather simply would not last. I quickly adapted by attempting to face lather, but even then, I was constantly having to go back to the puck because I couldn't generate a lather that would stay with me for any length of time...

Efficacy - The GIT Soap was very slick. I was excited when I felt just how smoothly my fingers slid through my first test lather. The down side to this was that there was no resistance from a "cushiony" lather. As a straight razor user, I want a lather that gives me both a good cusion, but also a very slick surface. I got one, but not the other. For this reason, I must take away a large number of points. For soaps, my two reference points are Tabac and BentonClay. The GIT falls far short of either reference.

Moisturizing - Next to the scent, this was my favorite part of using the GIT. My face was left feeling nice and moist every time. Of course, this is not my most important criteria, because I always use a balm and look to that product for moisture, but when a soap doesn't dry me out, it's definitely a plus.

Overall impression - I'm really happy I got to try this through the puck pass. I love the scent, and I managed to get BBS shaves, but there are simply too many great products available at a much lower price point to justify a great smelling product that is, at best, a mediocre performer. I don't have to worry about SSAD being ignited by this experience!
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I received this soap as part of the pass organized for contributors by Mr. Scruffy.

Price: I have marked it a 1 because it can be purchased (so, it has a price), but that price is wildly unjustified for the performance. I did NOT pay the purchase price.

Quality: It seems to be a quality soap, with good density and a reputable name. There is nothing here that sets it apart, however.

Scent: I have to admit, I just don't like Creed as a house. This is unmistakably Creed. Bold, brash, opulent. I just find most of their scents very synthetic compared to some other houses, such as Tom Ford and Pen's. This soap smells very, very "cologne-y," if that makes sense.

Lather: The soap lathers as easily as you'd expect from any reputable soap vendor. Fairly easy to get it going, low brush loading needed.

Efficacy: Try as I might, using my normal prep and a more careful prep, I just couldn't get this soap to glide all that well. Lots of pulling, tugging, skipping, and what not. Never really felt like an easy, slippery shave.

Moisturizing: This is another area where the soap consistently fell short. I was dried out after every shave, regardless of prep or ASB. Maybe it is the high cologne content that does it, but I was always red and irritated after each shave.

Conclusion: Not the soap for me, and difficult to recommend for anyone unless they are both 1) a GIT nut and 2) possessed of significant disposable income, in which case they should pick it up to smell it but not bother trying to shave with it.
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