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Bowmore Single Malt 34 Year 1971 Edition

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I will preface my review by stating I am in no way a Scotch expert, though I did get quite an education on my last trip to Scotland. That's where I found this Bowmore Single Malt 34 Year 1971 Edition.

I was at Deacon Brodie's Tavern in Edinburgh, along the Royal Mile, one of my required stops when I'm in the neighborhood. The bartender told me I was in for a treat and he was right. The dram he put before me was going to be the best Scotch I ever drank in my life. But, I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

This stuff is expensive. The bartender said there were less than 1000 bottles of this single malt ever made. Bowmore, if I remember correctly, is the oldest distillery on the Island of Islay.

This Scotch itself has a beautiful deep rich caramel color. The aroma has hints of sweet cinnamon and fruits with of course the smokiness which is customary to the Islay region. This scotch has some really nice legs too. Thick and slow to flow.

The smokiness and the caramel and cinnamon arrest your nose before you take your first sip. When you do taste; the robust oak smokiness really comes through along with some underlying fruit tones and what my bartender helped me to identify as a very subtle peat.

It blew me away and was worth every penny. I just closed my eyes and savored each sip of this Scotch. It was like nothing I've ever tasted before or since. It was the best Scotch I've ever had.

If you ever come across a Bowmore Single Malt 34 Year 1971 Edition Scotch, you absolutely must get it, without hesitation.

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I will preface my review by stating I am in no way a Scotch expert, though I did get quite an education on my last trip to Scotland. That's where I found this Bowmore Single Malt 34 Year 1971 Edition.

I was at Deacon Brodie's Tavern in Edinburgh, along the Royal Mile, one of my required stops when I'm in the neighborhood. The bartender told me I was in for a treat and he was right. The dram he put before me was going to be the best Scotch I ever drank in my life. But, I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

This stuff is expensive. The bartender said there were less than 1000 bottles of this single malt ever made. Bowmore, if I remember correctly, is the oldest distillery on the Island of Islay.

This Scotch itself has a beautiful deep rich caramel color. The aroma has hints of sweet cinnamon and fruits with of course the smokiness which is customary to the Islay region. This scotch has some really nice legs too. Thick and slow to flow.

The smokiness and the caramel and cinnamon arrest your nose before you take your first sip. When you do taste; the robust oak smokiness really comes through along with some underlying fruit tones and what my bartender helped me to identify as a very subtle peat.

It blew me away and was worth every penny. I just closed my eyes and savored each sip of this Scotch. It was like nothing I've ever tasted before or since. It was the best Scotch I've ever had.

If you ever come across a Bowmore Single Malt 34 Year 1971 Edition Scotch, you absolutely must get it, without hesitation.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)

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