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Badger Balm

Item Description

Great balm for hardworking hands!

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Pros: Concentrated, moisturizing, non-greasy, little/no smell, Badger!
Cons: requires a decent amount of rubbing in
I was innocently shopping around the ol' Vitamin Cottage, when all of a sudden I was attacked by a tin of badger balm, it starred me down and jumped in my basket.

I said ok lil fella, if you want me to buy you Ill have to post a review on Badger and Blade. I could tell by the look in it's eyes that this is what the badger balm wanted all along.

This product is meant to heal up your dry and otherwise worked-over hands when they are in need of some healing. I find the product a nice light oil based consistency that, surprisingly, is not greasy once properly rubbed into the hands. With that said, if you skimp on the rubbing in aspect, the oils will not penetrate as required for good healing.

Badger Balm moisturizes well and leaves what I would call a small layer of protection on your hands afterwards. Back to the oil based reservation: the must about this product, is the rubbing-in. Once rubbed in completely the oily sheen is accepted into the skin and the hands are left clean and nourished.

I gave the smell a 10 because it has almost no smell, the smell it does have is quite pleasant, like herbs and minty, with a nose of "yum".

Who can go wrong with a hand moisturizer that has a mischievous badger on the front? Anyone? Buler?

If I did not like this product I would keep it for the Tin it comes in: Packaging A+.

And last but not least, the slogan surrounding the can is fun: "This stuff works. Try it. Rub it in. Badger."

EDIT: A word on the concentration: This is a well concentrated product, only a little is required to coat the hands well. Too much product will be difficult to rub in completely. Start with a split-pea sized amount and rub in all the way. If more is needed, the badger will provide!

EDIT(2): The more I use this product the more I like it. The mild scent comes from birch and wintergreen essential oils, I find this combo very refreshing.
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