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Straight Razor Manniversary

Last year I set a goal to use only a straight razor for a year. Today was the day that I met the goal. I am now at a crossroads of either continuing the streak or start mixing the DE back into the routine. I did enjoy the DE as equally as the straight, but I am afraid that I would regret ending the straight streak. Have any of you faced this same dilemma?
stick with the straight, if you have enjoyed it stick it out. I started some 45 yrs ago and I wouldn't want any better or more comfortable shave. I have used one so long I could shave by feel and no mirror. if you want a demo I can show you I am in Gaffney.
A good part of the hobby for me is trying different razors. The change is interesting and exciting.

Everybody is different...use whatever you enjoy the best.
I did the same for a while, exclusively straights. But now I use them 5 or 6 days a week with a de/injector/se fighting over the other day/s. it is nice to keep a run going and personally I would continue it, but not to the point of where you feel you have to keep going purely for the sake of it. All wet shaving is fun and if a style happens to be getting stale then there are plenty of other ways to go until you get the straight mojo back.

Congrats on the year!


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I started DE, then began using SE and then learned straight shaving, when a great member here PIF'd me a shave ready straight razor out of the blue about 3 years ago. I thought I would just try and tackle learning only on the weekends for the time consuming task. Now, 3 years later, I still enjoy using vintage DE & SE's during the week for the speed and convenience, Straights & Shavette's on the weekends for a long, leisurely shave and a vintage Trac II when I travel one week of the month.

I actually enjoy using all of them about the same. Even the Trac II cartridge.
I wasn't trying for a streak, but a couple of months ago I tried a DE for the fist time in about a year and a half. It felt like I wasted a shave. I don't plan to use one again until I'm too feeble to use a proper razor.
If only for the sake of breaking a straight run? (no pun intended) Too many bragging rights down the drain, if you ask me, and it's not as if you don't know how a DE shaves, FWIW.

I shave with a DE all the time, but I've come to prefer str8 shaves in the last year since I started using them.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
If you were able to use a straight razor exclusively for a year, you don't need advice from anyone. You are officially beyond the expert level, and folks should be asking you what to do.

However you choose to shave is entirely up to you, without need for explanation. :ouch1:
I disagree with most here. I'm all about rotation. It is much more relaxing in the morning when I know I can get a 10 minute shave if I have to.
If you were able to use a straight razor exclusively for a year, you don't need advice from anyone. You are officially beyond the expert level, and folks should be asking you what to do.

However you choose to shave is entirely up to you, without need for explanation. :ouch1:


Personally, if you wanted to use a DE at some point in this year but didn't because of the plan and now that the year is up you want to use one again...........I'd say do it. Use what you want. If after this full year you want to use nothing but straights, do that.

It might be because I'm more about a shave to enjoy rather than to use x for y days or somesuch. Nothing wrong with it, but I personally would use what I felt like when stood at the sink.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Why not branch out into SEs as well? I alternate between SEs and str8s now and it's a brave new world :)

He already did, as straights are the ultimate SE. I'm not personally a big fan of SE's, but injectors are the cat's meow.
The streak is still going. However, I did try a shavette for the first time today. It was a strange feeling using a razor that was made in this millennium. Everything went smoothly. I had a good shave with no nicks or cuts. I prefer the straight, but I have a lot of DE blades I can now use. I'll probably be using the shavette exclusively when I travel.
I like my shavette for a change of pace.

Sometimes I feel frustrated that the blade is much shorter but rarely do I finish with a bad shave.
My take: if you still want to continue your straight streak go for it but don't feel like you're committing to anything. Change up when you want to. I'm really enjoying my routine right now, and am very comfortable with it. There are still other razors that I want to use and I'll get back to them. In a bit. I actually told myself that I was going to give the Sexto a couple of weeks after a week with the Rolls and then back to DEs for a bit. I may not do that though. It's the SEs and straights that have my real interest right now, so we'll see.

The main thing is to enjoy the experience. That is, to me, what makes the difference between my shaving hobby and personal hygiene.

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