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Discussion for April 2014: OTD Threads

What is your choice: Combined or Separate Threads

  • Stickied Combined Indulgence of the Day Thread

  • Keep separate threads stickied

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The links open into a new browser window for me, on my phone and my computer. Not sure if that is happening for anyone else, but I'm getting the extra clicks and they're taking me away from the browser windo I'm in. Not as big a deal on the computer, but it feels awkward on the phone. Not really worried about it, just throwing it into the mix. :biggrin1:
The current IOTD links open up a new browser. The links capncaveman put up yesterday kept it in within tapatalk but would bring you to the first page of each respective thread.

Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Also if were going for consolidation. Why not make one sticky saying "you better read this if you want to post here" and put Argonauts requires reading thread, along with the stock exchange thread and Jwhites Gentlemans essentials
The current IOTD links open up a new browser. The links capncaveman put up yesterday kept it in within tapatalk but would bring you to the first page of each respective thread.

Also if were going for consolidation. Why not make one sticky saying "you better read this if you want to post here" and put Argonauts requires reading thread, along with the stock exchange thread and Jwhites Gentlemans essentials

That isn't a bad idea.
The link problems seem to be a fault of Tapatalks not of the link itself.
Does it really matter if it links to a new post in the OTD thread? If there's a new post it will be near the top of the page anyway.
The current IOTD links open up a new browser. The links capncaveman put up yesterday kept it in within tapatalk but would bring you to the first page of each respective thread.

Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

That isn't a bad idea.
The link problems seem to be a fault of Tapatalks not of the link itself.

The problem is not exactly the fault of either Tapatalk or the link, nor is it NOT the fault of either. The same problem can happen in a browser on a desktop, unless a workaround is enabled in vBulletin (which may come by default on newer versions). The link can be posted two ways:

If the user is logged in with a cookie for www.badgerandblade.com and encounters a link for badgerandblade.com, their cookie might not get any action.

The existing links look like this:
If we add the "www", it will work for Senshi. Will it work for everybody else? Everybody go ahead and click this, then see if on that page you are still logged in.

One other thing, I think the ?goto=newpost was added AFTER I posted the last "do these links work better?" post. I'm not 100% sure how Tapatalk handles them.
We can always change it back, the guys just want to see how it works, just consider it a test run. The number of stickies we have is fine, but approaching too many imo. There are a few threads that I don't feel need to be sticked, but it's the BL mods goal to keep our members happy. If you guys want half a blue page, then we can add more. Generally a sticky is there for essential information and common topic threads for subject matter that is an everyday discussion.


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
But no more than some. Lots of stickies in the clubhouse, the hab, or the mess hall. Stickies are there because of the members and the value those members put on the stickied threads. We dropped only one sticky with the hange. Ultimately, not a big change. But at the end of the day, I'm fine with whatever serves the members.
But no more than some. Lots of stickies in the clubhouse, the hab, or the mess hall. Stickies are there because of the members and the value those members put on the stickied threads. We dropped only one sticky with the hange. Ultimately, not a big change. But at the end of the day, I'm fine with whatever serves the members.

Agreed on all points.

If I have to tap three time instead of two, not that big of a deal.
Just an observation: By my checking, at least once daily, the POTD thread has been at the top of the list of 'non-sticky' threads since it was moved. It seems to remain a sticky, only it has changed colors, if that makes sense. That looks like reliable member feedback, at least to me.
Just an observation: By my checking, at least once daily, the POTD thread has been at the top of the list of 'non-sticky' threads since it was moved. It seems to remain a sticky, only it has changed colors, if that makes sense. That looks like reliable member feedback, at least to me.

Well, it is bumped more often than almost every other thread, so it's always going to float to the top.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
I may yet be converted now that the IOTD sticky allows a single click to go to the last entry and since POTD shows up in the non-sticky area. POTD is the only indulgence that I view with regularity, like every time I'm on B&B.
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