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Irritation, I may just give up.

I have been wet shaving for around 3 years now, and I have yet to have a streak of more than four days of irritation free shaving.
I have worked on my technique tirelessly.
I have tried all kinds of different creams and soaps and pre-shaves/oils. And I get decent shaves out of most everything I try, but after a few days, the irritation is back.
I shower at night before bed. The irritation seems to start in the middle of the day, and is then worsened after I go over the irritation with my razor. I think it is ingrown hairs that are the culprit. I make one pass and go with the grain. I have also used Anthony Logistics Ingrown Hair Treatment. It works at first, but when I start using it once a day (once every two days is recommended), the ingrowns start up again.
If you have read this far without getting bored, and hitting the back button on your browser, any help would be appreciated.
I have been wet shaving for around 3 years now, and I have yet to have a streak of more than four days of irritation free shaving.
I have worked on my technique tirelessly.
I have tried all kinds of different creams and soaps and pre-shaves/oils. And I get decent shaves out of most everything I try, but after a few days, the irritation is back.
I shower at night before bed. The irritation seems to start in the middle of the day, and is then worsened after I go over the irritation with my razor. I think it is ingrown hairs that are the culprit. I make one pass and go with the grain. I have also used Anthony Logistics Ingrown Hair Treatment. It works at first, but when I start using it once a day (once every two days is recommended), the ingrowns start up again.
If you have read this far without getting bored, and hitting the back button on your browser, any help would be appreciated.

I had about 40 years of uncomfortable wetshaving and it wasn't until this year that I had an enjoyable shaving experience without discomfort. My problem was bad equipment.

If you're using disposable razors or cartridge razors, that was my problem. Get a good double edge razor and a quality blade. If you have been using a double edge razor for three years with unsatisfactory results, it's time look into getting another one.

It's hard to think about technique and get a good shave at the same time. You know how it should be done. Just do it after you get out of the shower and the technique and good results will follow in time.

The dry skin may be in part because of the climate where you live. In the wintertime, I have gotten some relief by using Mama Bear's soap in the shower because it has a high glycerine content. At times I use face and hand cream to moisturize my skin.

There is a solution to all of your problems.


I wanna be sedated!
If you are using a cartridge do you change it daily? If you are using a DE how often do you disinfect it?

My father in law uses disposables as long as he uses a fresh one every time he shaves he is ok. If he shaves more than once with the same razor he breaks out and gets razor burn.

Might be something to look at. +1 on maybe seeing a Dermatologist.
If I use a DE, I get irritation most days.

If I multi pass shave, I get irritation.

I shave with a straight. One pass. No irritation. And, I don't (at least try not to) shave every day. If I did, I'd get irritation. Some of us are just lucky that way. I don't care about BBS. I can get it, yes. But, why? For me, it just grows back a few hours later. And, that faceturbation will lead to irritation.

For most of us, we have to shave. So, may as well find what works for you and enjoy it. I think some of us enjoy the nostalgia in older equipment and the risks and art of learning how to properly use these tools.
There is no reason to abandon all hope for DE. I stopped for a while at the beginning of 2010 and switched to a Sensor, but still took advantage of the creams, soaps, brushes and other beneficial aspects of the craft. When I revisited the DE I went about it with more care as though it was my first attempt. Don't forget that the brush and software are extremely important, even without the DE.
What areas of the face are getting irritation? What razor are you using? Have your tried switching to less aggressive hardware?
I use a merkur 11c open comb with a derby blade. I previously used a 34c with the same result. I have a savile row brush and use mostly tobs avocado. But occasionally I will use nancy boy, and palmolive euro soap. I only get irritation on my neck, and only on one side.
I change my blade every 4 days or so, but it seems to be better when I first put a new blade in.
Tried any other blades? Derbys are hit and miss.

Why not try applying all your techniques and skills to shaving with, say, a Sensor or Mach III. If you can get good results with those, then you know the problem is with the razor/blade. If you keep getting irritation with a cartridge, the you know the problem is either lather or technique.
if it's just one side of your neck, maybe you should try a different stroke (i recomend xtg for that area) or a sharper blade?
Tried any other blades? Derbys are hit and miss.

Why not try applying all your techniques and skills to shaving with, say, a Sensor or Mach III. If you can get good results with those, then you know the problem is with the razor/blade. If you keep getting irritation with a cartridge, the you know the problem is either lather or technique.

+1 Nice advice right there.:thumbup1:

If all else fails, try an SE or straight.
+2 on the blade advice.

If I use anything less sharp than a Feather blade or Gillette Yellow I get irritation (and even those I only get a few days out of). Even when I used a gillette sensor and pushed it a day too far I would get irritation. Just have sensitive skin I guess.

I also recommend trying Tendskin for the ingrowns. It's harsh but it works. Once they're cleared up switch to something like Proraso after shave splash. The allatoin helps keeps your pores clear from dead skin and prevents ingrowns. Anything with acetylsalicylic or salycic acid will have a similiar keratolytic effect.

The Anthony Logistics product has some of those ingredients and should be helping but I have no experience with it myself. I've actually had luck with an Alpha Hydroxy gel. They're marketed for reducing wrinkles but the key is they dissolve layers of skin and thereby keep pores clear.

This one is reasonably priced (actually much more so than many anti-ingrown hair products):


Ingrown hairs are typically caused by pores being blocked by dead skin cels and other crud. Also, when you damage your skin by scraping with a dull blade it tries to repair itself and cosequently blocks new hair growth. The hair then gets trapped and grows back in under the skin. Curly haired people are more prone to it because the hair's already willing to make the turn due to the curling nature of it to begin with. Hair growing through damaged skin is itchy and painful which is why you start feeling it midday when regrowth is really kicking in.
Sounds like it might be time to try SE shaving. SE shaving in general is much more "irritation-free" than DE shaving. Get a GEM 1912, or a G-Bar, they are very inexpensive, and never look back. . . . . . If you don't believe me, do a search and you will find many marvel at the close irritation free shaves they get from the SE shaving experience.

I had the same problem.
To correct this i use tallow soap, a slim adjustable and a red pack personna blade. A perfect match
Its not BBS but it very close no irritation at all. I toss my blade after using it twice. Blades are cheap enough
Also wash your face with a soft wash cloth and some shaving soap and warm water for about 30 seconds. Same soap you will shave with. Rinse with warm water, then latter up.
Works for me every time.
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Not an expert here, but.......it wasnt until a few weeks ago (newbie wetshaver) that noticed the irritation (caused by fusion cart's) in my neck it was only INGROWN HAIRS, so my wiife helped me with, it is almost impossible for someone to "free" them alone, so ask some one to help you, after this use any of your products (I use Kiehl's), and let rest your face for at least 2 days before attempting again to shave...

And very important, EXFOLIATE your face at least 2x per week (no more than 3) before shaving, using a soft toothbrush in a circular motion gently will help avoid ingrow hairs.

Obviously Im still learning, but now I just get 1 or 2 slightly ingrown hairs (had around 6-8 on each side) on each side every 2 or 3 shaves and only if I go ATG.
Another tip...... use aspirine and the scrub of your choice (I personally use biotherm or shiseido) to exfoliate before shaving, and will work wonders....
Have you tried extra moisturizing soaps? Maybe MWF or a French shea butter soap? Prep is big too, if your not preparing your skin properly you might be having trouble.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Derbys were really crappish for my face, lots of weepers and irritation. I think maybe try a sharper blade, red IPs or feathers work well for me, as well as my 1912 Gem- SE's really give nice shaves.
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