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A Bigger Splash. I dunno...it's one of those indie films with big names that has its moments but the sum of all parts is just okay. Or maybe I just don't "get it". I could never get anyone I know to even watch a film like this.

Ralph Fiennes was pretty darn good playing a loudmouthed hedonist. Dakota Johnson easily played the "sexy young girl". Tilda Swinton didn't sell me on being an international "rock star", but played a role with almost no dialogue and only physical acting pretty well. The other guy was so familiar to me but I just couldn't place him even after looking up his other roles.

What a waste of casting in a lifeless story.

Witches -

Wow, I seem to be on a roll with choosing bad movies lately.
A capable casting in a downright violent and no joy movie.

Mouse speaks, 3 fingers, Nail clapping and the moral of the story - teach violence to children!
The older version of Witches with Angelica Huston is wonderful. I haven't seen the Hathaway version.

Robert Preston cracks me up
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Absolutely idiotic but such a fun movie that never gets talked about. Think Cannonball Run with a bunch of old morons trying to find $350k of stolen $$$. Classic. 👍👍

Edie Adams, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Buddy Hackett, Ethel Merman, Dorothy Provine, Mickey Rooney, Dick Shawn, Phil Silvers, Terry-Thomas, and Jonathan Winters. What a great cast and it still holds up almost 60 years later.
Plus there are a ton of cameos! When my mom was alive she'd get impatient with my brothers and me. We'd all impersonate Dick Shawn and say "I'm comin' mama!"
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