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The Sprout-2017

Is there any reason not to plant a few tomatoes and jalapeños in 5gal buckets? I can get an almost infinite amount of buckets at work and have about a dozen at home now just begging to be used lol


"A Boy Named Sue"
Is there any reason not to plant a few tomatoes and jalapeños in 5gal buckets? I can get an almost infinite amount of buckets at work and have about a dozen at home now just begging to be used lol

5 gallon buckets make perfect containers. They need more water and fertilizer but other than go for it. There's nothing like a home grown tomato.
Is there any reason not to plant a few tomatoes and jalapeños in 5gal buckets? I can get an almost infinite amount of buckets at work and have about a dozen at home now just begging to be used lol

I grow all my peppers in 12" pots and have great results, if panted in the ground some bug attacks and lays eggs in the peppers which grow into larva you discover when you cut into a perfect red pepper, not nice.

Use a 'soiless' potting mix and fertilize with dilute fish emulsion. I use a mix of seven parts peat moss, three parts of our backyard compost and one part coarse builders sand (or perlite). Been using this mix for years, at the end of the season i take out the roots and spread the 'soil' over the perennial beds.

The second harvest from ten potted plants this past summer.

Trinidad scorpions from a few years ago


Hot Portugal


The beginnings


I grow all my peppers in 12" pots and have great results, if panted in the ground some bug attacks and lays eggs in the peppers which grow into larva you discover when you cut into a perfect red pepper, not nice.

Use a 'soiless' potting mix and fertilize with dilute fish emulsion. I use a mix of seven parts peat moss, three parts of our backyard compost and one part coarse builders sand (or perlite). Been using this mix for years, at the end of the season i take out the roots and spread the 'soil' over the perennial beds.

The second harvest from ten potted plants this past summer.

Trinidad scorpions from a few years ago


Hot Portugal


The beginnings



Those are some great looking pepper! I wonder if the "soilless" mix would work well with tomatoes and onions and such


Needs milk and a bidet!
Re-tilled everything. The seeds were in the ground long enough to sprout and they didn't so we are going to replant.


3 smaller plots


These narrow back rows will be for corn


And then a shot from the other end.



Self Ignored by Vista
Looks great, Jason! What I did today is about like one of your small ones. SWMBO said she's glad that you're the one tending that. Her first words were "Uh uh, nope...not anymore."

Finally got a small garden area tilled today. SWMBO said she didn't want a big area this year and this was as big as the wanted. Got it tilled lengthwise and cross ways as deep as the tiller would go. Now it needs raked. I also have a 10x10 foot area that I plant my peppers in but I'll till that up tomorrow.

I don't know how much stuff she thinks she's gonna put in that little spot...she usually buys more to plant than the garden will hold...no matter how big the garden area is. At least we will have something...if we don't get flooded out like the last two years.



Needs milk and a bidet!
Looks like some good rich ground. That's a manageable garden. What we have.....is going to be a nightmare with upkeep. But many hands make light work.


Self Ignored by Vista
Looks like some good rich ground. That's a manageable garden. What we have.....is going to be a nightmare with upkeep. But many hands make light work.

Yeah, but we don't have many hands. :biggrin1:

We used to have a guy bring a tractor over and disk up the entire fenced in area, which is probably about what you have tilled up, then we would run the tiller over it to break it up some more. That turns into a lot of work tending it manually during the season. But...the entire fenced in area is about half the size of the garden area granddad had out at his farm...that he made me go weed by hand when I was a kid.

I'm looking forward to pics. of your crop this year. I was thinking about corn again this year but SWMBO didn't want to...but I may do a spot like you have done and plant a little anyway. Oh what the heck...I'll till up a small spot for about four short rows of corn when I till the pepper patch tomorrow.


"A Boy Named Sue"
Very nice plots Jason and Mike. You guys remind me of Little House on the Prairie. Charles Ingles always smoked his pipe after a hard day in the field.

Jason, you've got a fire with an over turned plastic chair....are you all right?


Self Ignored by Vista
Jason is toast from the fire...he just didn't want to say.

Good to know...I was afraid you got into too much moonshine while digging.

It was a cool, crisp Tennessee morning when Jason went out before daylight to harness up the mules. As he walked into the barn Sally, the bay mule, lifted her head and snorted…oh no. The black mule Jezebel was still asleep…standing up.

After rousing the mules Jason finished up putting the collars and tack on them, and laid the traces over their rumps. He then led them out to the single bladed plow he had left out in the field last night. When the bright, orange sun started coming up over the foggy horizon he hooked the traces up to the doubletree he had left on the plow and said “Git on there girls.”

About an hour after daylight Jason heard some gunshots from the other side of the hill. It didn’t sound like the normal hunting gunshots…it was a volley.

Stay tuned.
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Self Ignored by Vista
Got some tomatoes and onions in. I don't know how much stuff SWMBO thinks she can cram into this small garden. She wants:

green beans


I think I'm going to hold off on tilling up the pepper patch and a space for some corn. It's not unusual to have a few cold snaps this time of year. No need in tilling up a spot then having to keep it weeded for a few weeks until you plant something.

"Jason's Plot"

Nice one there Aaron.


"A Boy Named Sue"
Got some tomatoes and onions in. I don't know how much stuff SWMBO thinks she can cram into this small garden. She wants:

green beans

View attachment 776906

I think I'm going to hold off on tilling up the pepper patch and a space for some corn. It's not unusual to have a few cold snaps this time of year. No need in tilling up a spot then having to keep it weeded for a few weeks until you plant something.

Nice one there Aaron.

..or...."Jason's Plight."


Self Ignored by Vista
..or...."Jason's Plight."

Funny you should say that.

The saga continues...don't give me a subject. :001_smile

There were no other sounds after the initial gunfire, so Jason went back to work. He had heard there was a still in the area, but it was no business of his and he had no desire to make it so. If someone wanted to make a bit of money in these times of 1931, it was not any of his concern.

Sally and Jez behaved very well this day, which was unusual. As the sun started setting he unhooked the traces and led them back to the small barn. As he was leading the mules he heard a Model T going down the dirt road aways away. There were very few of those new fangled cars in the area.

It was getting dark inside of the barn, and Jason lit the lantern. He finished taking off the tack under the soft, yellow glow of the kerosene lantern.

After forking some hay into the cribs of the mules and the milk cow, he hung the pitchfork that he had made himself back on the wall. Using his fingers to comb the bits of hay out of his long, thick, red beard he then took the lantern to make his way back to the house.

Jason wasn’t an extremely large man, but he wasn’t small either. The labor around the place had provided some strength to his frame, but he had a gentle nature. All of the neighbors enjoyed it when he visited.

While walking back to the house his yellow cur dog came up and licked his hand. Rubbing its head, Jason let it in the house. He loved that dog.

His wife, and his children, had taken the train to Kentucky to visit her sister so he was on his own for awhile. His wife had put out some side meat for him, and he had pulled out a jar of canned green beans from the root cellar that should last for a few days. Jason was anxious for his wife to get home as she was supposed to pick up a new supply of the good Kentucky pipe tobacco that he was running low on.

Entering the little two room house he checked the coals in the cast iron wood stove that he had banked this morning…they were still good. While adding some kindling to the stove, and putting out a couple of split logs to go in, he heard a “thump” at the back of the house…and the cur dog went on alert.

Looking out of the kitchen window, over the hand pump by the sink that was starting to squeak, he saw a still form lying behind the house.

Grabbing his single shot shotgun, Jason went out the front door and cautiously went around the edge of the house. Under the glow of the lanterns that were shining through the windows, he saw the man on the ground. His shirt was covered in dried blood.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program….


Needs milk and a bidet!
Good golly! Thrilling!

I managed to plant the "chicken garden" today. Greens for the chickens - Rhubarb, kale, spinach, and lettuce.
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