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Gissy's straight razor stories

I tried honing my first razor last night. I was going to try it out this morning, but sadly I overslept and didn't have the time to shave. So tonight I have just had a leisurely shave.

Used Tonight:
$Shave den 028.jpg
Vitos Pre-shave
W.H. Morley & Sons Razor
Marshall Wells "Zenith Prince" Razor
Vergylde Hand soap
Whippeddog 24mm Silvertip
Alum Block
Proraso AS

I lathered up the dutch soap with my brand new Whippeddog Silvertip. It made a nice lather, but it is a little of a latherhog, at least yet. Still had enough for three passes without any problems.

My first pass I went WTG with the Morley razor honed by yours truely. It actually did shave, it wasn't close to as sharp as my other razors though and it wasn't the closest pass I've ever had and it was a little tuggy. I was just happy it did cut hair at all.

I'm glad I had stropped up the Prince as well though so I traded to that and did a second WTG pass and a XTG pass. Ended up with a nice and quite close shave. A little irritation most likely from the first pass, but nothing bad. The alum block gave only a tingling and no burn.
Thank you guys! I will try to hone it again today. I'm not sure I set the bevel right since that was the first honing I have ever done. I could feel it getting much easier after a while, but that was after I had moved on.
that zenith prince is a pretty one there gissy. hope it serves u well. nice 2 see it in action. seems u are making great progress. tom
I actually shaved this morning, but I was going out so I haven't had the time to post before now.

Used today:
Mr Glo
Solace Razor
Semogue SOC Boar
Arko soap
Vitos Mentolo AS

Another nice shave. I'm feeling I'm really starting to get the hang of this. Some places I still have to work to get the angles right, but it gets there in the end. I did two passes (WTG,XTG) and ended up with a DFS. No blood or irritation to speak of. Even right under the nose is starting to get close!

Still haven't tried honing again, but tomorrow is a lazy sunday so I'm planning to do it then.

Have a nice night and good shaves gentlemen.
Yesterday I had a go at honing again on my lapping film.I tried honing up my "W.H. Morley & Sons" Razor from scratch again, but I actually think I made it duller:thumbdown. I decided to have a go with just touching up my "John Engstrom Jr." and it didn't go much better, it was still sharp enough to shave with, but I think it was sharper before I tried honing it :huh:.

So used today was:
The razors mentioned over
Mr Glo
Whippeddog 24mm Silvertip
Mystic Water Coconut
Clubman AS
Nivea ASB

Not a great shave today. I first tried with the Morley razor, but that was tugging to much so I switched to the Engstrom after just a few strokes. That was better, but still not great. My lather wasn't my best effort either. So far the Mystic Water soap have only worked perfect for me with my Simpson Special BBB. I got a SAS, but with some irritation on the neck.

Now for some good news:
I went to the mailbox today to empty all the bills and junkmail when I found a little package. I haven't ordered anything so I had no idea what it could be. When I opened it I saw it was a really nice straight razor the nice guy Tomjr here on Badger & Blade had sent me for free! It is a reworked Gold Dollar with custom scales. He asked me to make a video of my first shave with it so that will come up tomorrow!
Congratulations on your score Gissy! What a generous B&B'er Tomjr is! I love stories like this. Also sorry to hear about the lapping film setback. I wonder how you could have made the razor duller? That does't seem possible but then again, I've only used my lapping film once thus far. Looking forward to the video!
Here is the 3 weeks straight razor video. It's also a thank you video for tomjr who sent me the great razor. I think I need more big straights. I really loved this one.

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gissy i am glad u liked the razor, it is quite a good shaver. looks like u are making great progress shaving with the straights, keep up the good work. tom
gissy i am glad u liked the razor, it is quite a good shaver. looks like u are making great progress shaving with the straights, keep up the good work. tom

Thank you very much! Yes I really enjoyed it. I think I need to try more heavy, bigger razors.
Used Today:
$Shave den 029.jpg

Tomjr's Gold Dollar
Vitos Pre-shave
Whippeddog 24mm Silvertip
Cyril R Salter Fresh Mint
Styptic Pencil(yes I needed it today)
Fitjar Folgefonn ASB

I didn't have that much to shave of today after yesterdays close shave. I still really wanted to shave though. I went with two passes(WTG,XTG) since yesterdays shave gave a little more irritation than I like. I decided I had to cut off my goatee today. A zit or something on the skin there have are really irritated and I think I need to give the skin there some air to clean it up. The big razor made short work of the beard, I managed to get a good cut there though that needed some help from the styptic to stop bleeding.

It ended up with a nice shave anyway, and I'm a happy shaver.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Used Today:

Tomjr's Gold Dollar
Vitos Pre-shave
Whippeddog 24mm Silvertip
Cyril R Salter Fresh Mint
Styptic Pencil(yes I needed it today)
Fitjar Folgefonn ASB

I didn't have that much to shave of today after yesterdays close shave. I still really wanted to shave though. I went with two passes(WTG,XTG) since yesterdays shave gave a little more irritation than I like. I decided I had to cut off my goatee today. A zit or something on the skin there have are really irritated and I think I need to give the skin there some air to clean it up. The big razor made short work of the beard, I managed to get a good cut there though that needed some help from the styptic to stop bleeding.

It ended up with a nice shave anyway, and I'm a happy shaver.

I think that's all that matters! The nicks, cuts and irritation will be less and less frequent as you go, of course. I still nick or cut myself on the occasion (once every 1-2 months) but nothing serious, it's often a red dot more than anything. I don't think that I get irritation anymore but I won't take that statement for granted.
I think that's all that matters! The nicks, cuts and irritation will be less and less frequent as you go, of course. I still nick or cut myself on the occasion (once every 1-2 months) but nothing serious, it's often a red dot more than anything. I don't think that I get irritation anymore but I won't take that statement for granted.

Yep I have learned that a little cut don't hurt much and it wont kill me :001_cool:
Believe it or not Baker it will fade. I gave myself two nice ones in one shave way back when. Was on my right cheek, and now I cant even tell it ever happened.

everything sounds like it is going Bang on Gissy! could not be happier for you.
I rthink I have found out the root to the irritation I have had on the neck sometimes lately. I think the problem actually haven't been the shaving, but the Mr Glo soap. There must be something in it my skin don't love.


Vitos Pre-shave
Tomjr's Gold Dollar
Whippeddog 24mm Silvertip
Cyril R Salter Essential Lime
Speick AS

A nice n' easy 2 pass shave. I used some extra time on my mustache area and got the closest shave there I have ever gotten with a straight, and without any cuts or irritation! The rest of the face was nice too, no problems, blood or irritation.


Vitos Pre-shave
Solace Razor
Semogue SOC boar
Scottish fine soaps shaving soap
Vitos Mentolo AS

I have had the SFS soap for many months, but have never had any luck with lathering it I haven't used it in a long time. I decided to give it a go again with the SOC since it's known as a soap killer. I loaded much longer than I usually did with quite a dry brush. I took the proto lather to the bowl and slovly added water and ended up with really nice lather. The scent isn't anything special and it was more work than other soaps/ creams I use, but it was fun finally manage to get it to work. I had a very nice 2 pass shave with a lot of lather left. No blood or irritation. I feel I have the DFS 2 pass shave down now and that's really all I need, but I will try an ATG again soon and go for that true BBS.

I'm waiting for a really nice 13/16 Gotta razor from Zephyr on the way from Zephyr. I'm really looking forward to try it!
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