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Lose Five Pounds of FAT With Us This Month!

The month of December is a chance for a new beginning! Reset your goals and begin a fresh start of losing five pounds of fat by the end of this month.

No kidding. I was out of control on Thanksgiving. :a1:

Me too! I worked out every day though and ate light and clean this week and no extra lbs. I really want to lose another 10-15 lbs, but I don't want to worry about it over the holidays so if I can do enough to stay about where I am then I know I can lose it Jan thru March.
Here is my weekly update: I lost two pounds! Most likely water weight but it's progress. Goal for this week is to workout as often as possible and stay away from pastries.
I am joining in late this month. I participated in this thread last spring/summer, and had some success. I believe that I lost about 8 or 9 lbs over the course of 3 months. Unfortunately, I have been slacking, and have regained most if not all of it back. I will weigh in and post tomorrow morning with updates every Wednesday. My goal is to reduce calorie intake, possibly a fast day once per week. I have difficulty mustering the time and energy for exercise, but I will try.
First weigh-in this morning: 184.5 lbs. A little discouraging since I've gained back all the weight I lost last summer. At least I know that I can lose the weight, since I did it before. :001_rolle


i'll join late. started at 166lbs. would like to be at 160 by the end of the month. Could be tough. Going away for 4 days, so eating out every meal and may not work out and of course xmas time....
A New Year, a New Start.

And I mean it this time.


No soda.
No burgers.
No potatoes of any kind
Limit bread and rice and pasta.
Cut down chocolate.
Eat more veg.
Walk dog.
Exercise at least thrice per week.
A New Year, a New Start.

And I mean it this time.


No soda.
No burgers.
No potatoes of any kind
Limit bread and rice and pasta.
Cut down chocolate.
Eat more veg.
Walk dog.
Exercise at least thrice per week.

Ha! Good to see bacon isn't abolished! :D
Now that the holidays are over I'm back in. All the sweets are finally gone from the house. I held my own over the holiday break by working out for an hour almost every day, but I ate and drank far too much. I intermittent fasted yesterday and today and will do that again for 4-5 days next week. Ordered P90X3 which should be here by the end of next week; until then I'll continue the workouts I've been doing...including shoveling now :cursing:
New start this month! Lose five pounds of fat this month by eating healthy and exercise.

My goal is to exercise as often as possible even if it's for only twenty minutes. Stop drinking calories. Use MyFitnessPal app to keep tracking of what I eat.
I am jumping on this thread also.
Will aim to loose 5 pounds this month through healthy eating and exercise.
My biggest issue is slowing down on the big craft beers... >_>

Started yesterday working out daily doing cardio and pushup - situps.

Starting weight 186
I may have to join in this month. I've been putting on weight. Mostly muscle, but it's hard to be certain. I think I need to tidy up my habits to be sure.
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