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Lose Five Pounds of FAT With Us This Month!

The month of October is a chance for a new beginning! Reset your goals and begin a fresh start of losing five pounds of fat by the end of this month.

The only "rules" are that the fat has to be lost through eating healthy and exercise.

This is my plan: Make a list of all the things I can do to lose fat. On another sheet of paper organize the list from the easiest to most difficult. Begin with the easiest ones.

1. Weigh self every morning after waking up and measure waist weekly.
2. I won't drink calories.
3. Exercise daily for twenty minutes.
4. Count calories (phone apps are great).
5. Record everything to track progress (spreadsheet).

It is important to have a goal and a plan. Please share how you plan to lose five pounds of fat by the end if this month.
30 AUG ~216lbs
30 SEPT ~210lbs

just picked up a fitbit one recently to help motivate and remind.. so far it's working! it's actually helped upping my running distance.. i have to remember to hit the weights though too.
I've dropped 18lbs since September 15th by doing extreme low carb. Today I'm starting back on paleo with the goal of eating 70% vegetables, and 30% meat. I've been laid up with a back injury since mid July and gained some weight, which I already had too much of to start with. I'm going to start trying to walk some every day and do some resistance training as my back will allow. I plan to keep a thread going here to help keep me on track, yes I'm basically copycatting globadev and Noah. :001_tongu
I've dropped 18lbs since September 15th by doing extreme low carb. Today I'm starting back on paleo with the goal of eating 70% vegetables, and 30% meat. I've been laid up with a back injury since mid July and gained some weight, which I already had too much of to start with. I'm going to start trying to walk some every day and do some resistance training as my back will allow. I plan to keep a thread going here to help keep me on track, yes I'm basically copycatting globadev and Noah. :001_tongu

One of these days I gotta try Paleo for 30 days to see what happens. Logging progress in a thread really helps. Keep it up Jason!
I've dropped 18lbs since September 15th by doing extreme low carb. Today I'm starting back on paleo with the goal of eating 70% vegetables, and 30% meat. I've been laid up with a back injury since mid July and nugained some weight, which I already had too much of to start with. I'm going to start trying to walk some every day and do some resistance training as my back will allow. I plan to keep a thread going here to help keep me on track, yes I'm basically copycatting globadev and Noah. :001_tongu

Awesome stuff. Its guys like you, me and noah and everyone on this thread that serve as motivation and inspiration to others imho while making ourselves better, healthier, stronger. I wouldnt really have considered a tracker like fitbit if it wasnt for noahs thread and its got me really motivated right now when i forget to get exercise in. I am walking stairs to no end trying to keep the stats up..

Is your thread up somewhere? My neighbor went paleo munching on nuts and bacon, but the primal guy is off putting to me for some reason.
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Is your thread up somewhere? My neighbor went paleo munching on nuts and bacon, but the primal guy is off putting to me for some reason.

I haven't started the thread yet. There's several types of ways to do paleo, the first time I tried it, I did it like your neighbor. Basically, what I'm doing now is avoiding all grains and processed foods. I don't count calories or carbs, eat when I'm hungry, stop eating when I'm not hungry, as opposed to full . There's plenty of people that argue 75%vegetables isn't paleo, personally I don't care, I just don't know what else to call it. I might try to get the thread going tonight or tomorrow, I should have my fitbit by Friday. I'm using the joglog app on my phone for now.
Down 3 lbs this month. Not really significant, but better than up 3 lbs. Went back to intermittent fasting ~ 4 days/week. We usually have dinner 6-7 pm and then I don't eat again until 12-1 pm. Seems to work as well if not better for me than limiting calories. I've definitely been eating healthier the last couple of years, but find I can actually eat a bit more calorie-wise when intermittent fasting and still lose weight. Not a big breakfast person any way so it's not that hard for me. Really need to start exercising more, but my left shoulder and knee can't seem to handle my usual workouts yet.
184 Yesterday evening. I've been running a lot more. 6 miles in 3 days. I've been waking up a little earlier in the morning so I can get a 2 mile run in before work and continuing my cardio & weight lifting days in the evenings.

Work sucks though. I end up snacking on junk food during the day and that doesn't help. I need to keep my hands out of the candy jar.
184 Yesterday evening. I've been running a lot more. 6 miles in 3 days. I've been waking up a little earlier in the morning so I can get a 2 mile run in before work and continuing my cardio & weight lifting days in the evenings.

Work sucks though. I end up snacking on junk food during the day and that doesn't help. I need to keep my hands out of the candy jar.

Great progress! For me eating protein for breakfast reduces sugar cravings later during the day.
Great progress! For me eating protein for breakfast reduces sugar cravings later during the day.

Doesn't work because of my schedule. Normally breakfast is 1-2 eggs in one form or another with meat. This worked great when I didn't have to be up at any specific time, or even when I had the old position at work having to be up at 7:30-8:00 AM. Now that I'm up at 4:15AM and hungry and eating at that time, it's a lot harder to go to 1:00-2:00PM without getting hungry. I find if I eat earlier at say 11:00, I want to eat dinner earlier and get hungry after that or just stuff myself stupid.

The running in the AM has helped though as I lose my appetite after excercising and can eat later. It's almost 6:00 right now and I haven't had breakfast yet. I'm about to though, but it's nearly 2 hours later than normal.

Did 3 miles @ 30:43 this morning. I'm going to try to aim for 21 miles and some tangible weight loss this week. The big thing will be eating healthy over the weekend. The weeks are easy, it's the weekends that suck. Fixing dinner for a friend's family Friday, birthday and halloween parties Saturday, and girlfriend's niece's church is having food for her niece's confirmation on Sunday. Three days of bad eating.
Doesn't work because of my schedule. Normally breakfast is 1-2 eggs in one form or another with meat.

How do you feel about eating egg whites? I've started cooking up batches of 8 or 12 poached whites per day*, and snack on them every now and again. They are nearly all protein, only 17 calories each, yet quite large and filling. You could cook them the evening before.

I use one of those frying pans with 4 little bowls to steam-poach the eggs, this obviously leads to a much more convenient form factor than dropping eggs in water. I suppose you could even fry them.

I think this is one of the best ideas I've had, food-wise. Eating that many eggs a day seems extreme, but if you analyse the facts it makes great sense.

(* Not every day, but I won't bore you with details why.)
I just need my willpower back. The new(ish) girlfriend bakes and can eat all kinds of stuff without gaining weight...me on the other hand...

My running is helping I think. I'm up to 12 miles this week and may even hit 15-16 if I have time to get a run in Saturday afternoon. It's something I thought I'd never do, but I am and I kind of like it. I managed 3 miles in 29:21 yesterday.
4 Miles at 37:22 this morning. I'm getting ready to run 3-4 more when I get off of work. Trying for 20 some this week. Keeping my calories mostly in check. I'll weigh in this evening.
The month of November is a chance for a new beginning! Reset your goals and begin a fresh start of losing five pounds of fat by the end of this month.

The only "rules" are that the fat has to be lost through eating healthy and exercise.

This is my plan: Make a list of all the things I can do to lose fat. On another sheet of paper organize the list from the easiest to most difficult. Begin with the easiest ones.

1. Weigh self every morning after waking up and measure waist weekly.
2. I won't drink calories.
3. Exercise daily for twenty minutes.
4. Count calories (phone apps are great).
5. Record everything to track progress (spreadsheet).

It is important to have a goal and a plan. Please share how you plan to lose five pounds of fat by the end if this month.
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