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Your single most expensive fragrance purchase?

And do you regret it?

Mine is probably tie between full bottles of Kilian Back to Black and Guerlain Cuir Beluga. Both set me back about $250. Regret the BtB only because I could have gotten the travel spray for $135 (though the Killian bottle and box presentation is immaculate).

I came very close to buying that $600 bottle of Windsor but decided against it (glad I did).
I bought the Windsor you speak of and paid just over $400 for my 50ml of Vintage Tabarome.

Don't regret either purchase.
I guess that mine was a flacon of Tabarome. I can't remember exactly how much I paid for it--something like $360? I'm really glad that I bought it. I use it pretty regularly, but I don't seem to be making a dent in it. My kids have instructions to splash whatever is left on my funeral pyre. I'm taking it with me!
Part of why I didn't do the Windsor is because I was too lazy to do the whole decant into sprayer bottles thing (weak, I know).
Also I probably have about 80 ml total of decants I've purchased for Windsor. Unfortunately, there's a lady at work that wears what I think is Windsor (have not asked her). She wears a lot of it, and at work it's "her smell". If I wore it, some might wonder if I hooked up with her it is that much associated with her. Not that I'm complaining about the scent - I love it.
I think $65 for a 3.4oz bottle of Gucci PH II 6 years ago...
Since I got into fragrances last year, I have been aiming to not spend more than $30 on a bottle...so far I've succeeded and have 30+ bottles so I'm pretty happy about that.

$400 for 50ml of vintage tabarome!? wow! Now I don't feel so bad about paying $30 for my 8ml decant.
Based purely on cost/frag and not cost/ml it would be the pair of Creeds I picked up during Walgreens BOGO Sale where I paid about $180 for (2)4oz bottles(OV&GIT). They are both in my Top 20 so I do not regret it.
Creed Aventus
Xeroff Kobe
Tom Ford Tuscan Leather
Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille
Amouage Interlude Man
Amouage Reflection Man
By Killian Back to Black
By Killian Taste of Heaven

Saving up for Clive Christian 'C' :001_wub: :drool:
Technically, I guess Puredistance M based on cost per ml. But I tend to think of Clive Christian X For Men as my most expensive frag.
Creed Green Irish Tweed
I would not say I regret it, but I probably would have been just as happy with a decant....then I could have spent the same $$$ for more frags.
I paid £70 for a bottle of Hermes Voyage from Selfridges UK. Actually got a cool free gift with it, 2 miniature samples in a nice box. To be honest it was
those that was part of the appeal.
All of these pale in comparison to what the oud fanatics pay. I shudder to think how much those guys spend on pure oud oils.
Green Irish Tweed for me as well. It's a personal favourite, so i don't regret it.
i also intend to pick up a bottle of Amouage Memoir Man once i have the cash.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I bought a flacon of Vintage Tabarome. I have since recooperated the cost by selling off decants.
All of these pale in comparison to what the oud fanatics pay. I shudder to think how much those guys spend on pure oud oils.
I don't think I have spent more than $40 for any of my oud oils, but then these sample vials range in size from 0.2ml-0.3ml. That is why I was careful in my earlier post to state that my most expensive purchase was based on cost/frag and not cost/ml. If these oud oils came in Creed-sized bottles they would probably range between $10,000-$20,000/bottle :)
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