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Your preferred coticule honing method

What is your preferred coticule honing method

  • Unicot

  • Dilucot

  • Ellipticot (Emmanuel's method)

  • "Undilucot" (finishing on slurry)

  • Other (please specify)

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I use the Ellipticot the most since I like circular movements on the stone but compared to Emmanuel's I finish on water.
I like Ellipticot, due to the fact that I feel more comfortable doing circles/ellipses. Sometimes I'll mix the different methods, like I'll do Ellipticot most of the way, then switch to Undilucot at the end. Whatever I feel like doing that day is what I'll do...
I've only attempted two - both times Unicot, and touch ups with tape finishing on water.

Next time I will try the Ellipticot method.
I use Mixitupalot... Ellipses, edge leading, spine leading, x stokes, w strokes, forward, backward and a few side-to-side heal-to-toe & toe-to-heal strokes.
im just learning the coticule but right now im getting good edges from circles , then x strokes in thick slurry on the coticule , followed by circles/x strokes in thick slurry on the BBW tappered down to a hint of diluted slurry with water , then going back to the yellow in medium slurry with circles/x strokes , and x strokes down through water ... circles/strokes have been dependent on thumb pad/arm hair test between sessions ... probably not average technique but im getting great results and am really enjoying the shaves im getting off of the coticule
I use Mixitupalot... Ellipses, edge leading, spine leading, x stokes, w strokes, forward, backward and a few side-to-side heal-to-toe & toe-to-heal strokes.

Yup here too. A mish-mash lately. Maybe you meant "mixitupaloticot" ? ;) gotta add the "-cot" for traditions sake, dontcha?

Tape's too much hassle, so none of that for me.
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I like Ellipticot, due to the fact that I feel more comfortable doing circles/ellipses. Sometimes I'll mix the different methods, like I'll do Ellipticot most of the way, then switch to Undilucot at the end. Whatever I feel like doing that day is what I'll do...

Same here. I start with dilucot then switch to ellipticot but I finish on water.
Only experimented a couple times, now waiting on a new rock to really get into it. So I checked "Other" when it reality it will probably be "All of the above" :w00t:
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