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Your opinions on the Merkur Travel Razor

I'm thinking about buying the Merkur travel razor:


I really like the design and the small (leather?) case, the head seems to be the same as the HD, but I'm slightly worried it might be too small and lightweight.
What are your experiences with this razor?
Thanks for sharing them!
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This was my first Merkur and, paired with a Derby, provided my "AHA!" moment in DE shaving.

It may be a bit too small and lightweight for every day use, but I still think they're worth having around.
Most razors are small enough for travel as they are, but these come in very handy when space and weight are major concerns.
I also have the open comb-I use it with an old gillette handle and save the little handle for traveling if necessary, Very good shaver IMO!
Funny you should ask, I just put this on another forum:


This is my travel kit. It's the Merkur Closed Comb travel razor, a Vulfix Super Badger travel brush and tube, and a Mama Bear's Aged Spice travel stick. Takes up next to no room and works very well. I wouldn't want to use the razor or the brush on a daily basis but for travel they're pretty good. If you really want to go minimalist you can just stick the razor in a pocket and use whatever soap is around.


The buck is just for a size reference.
Here is one of my two.


I think it is the "hidden gem" of the Merkur line and they are the only Merkur razors that I own.

Great razor and can serve you well with a standard handle.
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There are so many old german travel sets you can buy for dirt cheap in their own clamshell, I just don't see the reason to pay retail for the current travel razor.
I dont really see the need for a travel razor handle. The razor basically the smallest thing in my travel bag. (Not that I dont have a travel razor, just dont use it). If weight is an issue you can get a plastic/bakelite Gillette handle. I'd rather go brushless than shave with a stubby handle, but I like larger handles.
I have The Hoffritz Travel Set that came in a nice clamshell metal case with Blue Velvet interior, i got mine for about $65.00 but i have seen these Hoffritz Travel Sets go as high as over $225.00+ So its going to depend on how many people see it on ebay and how many people want the Hoffritz Travel set.

Does Anyone know if the Modern Merkur sets are made of a Different metal from the Vintage Hoffritz sets? I imagine the metal on the Modern sets are cheap pot metal ?
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I dont really see the need for a travel razor handle. The razor basically the smallest thing in my travel bag. (Not that I dont have a travel razor, just dont use it). If weight is an issue you can get a plastic/bakelite Gillette handle. I'd rather go brushless than shave with a stubby handle, but I like larger handles.

Need? Where does need come in? I need an excuse to buy another razor!

I like it. I know I don't really need one because I can take any of my regular razors if I travel. But it feels so.......cool perhaps? and putting it together makes me feel more like a real man......or.....er...it's really appropriate?......hmmm.......or like I need one because that what it's designed for and maybe, just maybe, I might go on a camping trip where I need the bare minimum and a normal razor will be just too big. Or there'll be a global disaster and I'll wander through the charred remains of what was once our world, and I can only carry around what's on my back (so space is important here, you have to agree)

(Sigh), excuses, excuses. Who am I fooling - I just wanted it (sob), and yes it shaves very well. In fact, I used mine in the bathroom today.
The Merkur travel razors are very nice razors. I have both and keep them in my dopp kit all the time. They take up so little room, and I always have a great razor when I travel.
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