What was your first ever shave like? A recent thread asking what your reason was for wet shaving got me to thinking about my first ever shave. I dont mean what razor and what can of goo but the whole experience of it? Who taught you, how did they teach you, was it a bonding type moment...
I can remember when I was a young boy I wanted to do anything and everything that my grandfather did, he was my best friend and my hero and I all I wanted to do was to grow up to be just like him. My favorite day of the week was Saturdays, not because I didnt have to go to school but because it was our day together. He would set aside the entire day from sun up to sun down just for me and to this day I can't think of anything better to do my day. We would start the day by watching cartoons together while he read the paper, always reading the funnies as he called them to me.
After my grandmother made us breakfast my grandfather would go shower while I continued watching cartoons. I can remember like it was yesterday watching in total awe while he stood there at the sink and shaved his entire head, he would always growl at me like a monster while his head was covered in the fluffy white foam.
One day I got up the courage to ask my poppop if he would teach me to shave, I couldnt have been any more than eight or nine years old. He chuckled and said sure sport as he slathered my face with foam (straight from the can but thats not the point).The next part made me feel like king of the world, I was given my own razor. He reached into the drawer and pulled out an old razor that had no blade in it (which I didn't know at the time and I didn't care) and told me this was now my razor and only to use mine. He told me how important it was to pay close attention to what I was doing and not goof around, as he splashed water on me. I took a stroke just as he did mirroring his every movement rinsing just as he did. I blew my cheeks out, pulled my nose around and everything just like him. I had no clue what on earth I was doing but I really didn't care, I figured if he did it then I needed to do the same.
When it was all done and over with I would get a dab of Old Spice, some talc (that he always got all over the place faking a sneeze) and a swig of his Listerine.
Boy talk about riding on a high horse, nothing in the world could bring me down from that high. No matter what we did for the rest of the day I was all smiles. Very few memories from my childhood can even touch those Saturday mornings with my gramps and in all honesty few things today rank up there with them.
So lets hear your stories!
I can remember when I was a young boy I wanted to do anything and everything that my grandfather did, he was my best friend and my hero and I all I wanted to do was to grow up to be just like him. My favorite day of the week was Saturdays, not because I didnt have to go to school but because it was our day together. He would set aside the entire day from sun up to sun down just for me and to this day I can't think of anything better to do my day. We would start the day by watching cartoons together while he read the paper, always reading the funnies as he called them to me.
After my grandmother made us breakfast my grandfather would go shower while I continued watching cartoons. I can remember like it was yesterday watching in total awe while he stood there at the sink and shaved his entire head, he would always growl at me like a monster while his head was covered in the fluffy white foam.
One day I got up the courage to ask my poppop if he would teach me to shave, I couldnt have been any more than eight or nine years old. He chuckled and said sure sport as he slathered my face with foam (straight from the can but thats not the point).The next part made me feel like king of the world, I was given my own razor. He reached into the drawer and pulled out an old razor that had no blade in it (which I didn't know at the time and I didn't care) and told me this was now my razor and only to use mine. He told me how important it was to pay close attention to what I was doing and not goof around, as he splashed water on me. I took a stroke just as he did mirroring his every movement rinsing just as he did. I blew my cheeks out, pulled my nose around and everything just like him. I had no clue what on earth I was doing but I really didn't care, I figured if he did it then I needed to do the same.
When it was all done and over with I would get a dab of Old Spice, some talc (that he always got all over the place faking a sneeze) and a swig of his Listerine.
Boy talk about riding on a high horse, nothing in the world could bring me down from that high. No matter what we did for the rest of the day I was all smiles. Very few memories from my childhood can even touch those Saturday mornings with my gramps and in all honesty few things today rank up there with them.
So lets hear your stories!