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Your favorite pre-shave?

Not oils, but products to help soften the beard. I'm looking for an alternative to the always-mentioned Proraso pre-post, since menthol is not my thing.
As odd as it sounds, I use hair conditioner. I use it as a pre-shave and apply my Proraso Pre-Shave right on top. I let the conditioner sit on my face for about a minute before adding the Proraso Pre-Shave. Give it a try. Really does work. :001_smile
I use Castle-Forbes that I doctored up with some Bergemot essential oil for scent. Mighty expensive, but I just like using it.
Most ASBs will do double-duty as a Pre-shave ... I've gotten good results from Bigelow #1200, using it both before lathering and after the final rinse.

When using it before lathering, it helps to dilute it with a little water, and let it sit on the beard for a minute or more. Don't rinse it off, just lather right on top of it.
I shower before I shave and then before I apply the lather, I wet my face, unless I am face lathering, then I don't wet my face.

I find Musgo glyce lime soap softens the beard nicely. I've also used and liked the Proraso aloe and green tea pre-post (white top). The menthol in this is very subdued.
Lately Ive been using the Floid Sandolor pre shave gel...works pretty well for me.
Been getting consistent shaves when I use it.

Smells pretty good too.
I dont use any products for preshave...I take a soak in the tub. BUT...I am shaving legs and not a face...works great for me...Hubbie does not use preshave products either and uses the shower then hot towel method...seems to work great for him.
I do use Proraso pre every or every other shave. But I use the sensitive version (green tea/aloe vera) because I think the menthol in the original is about 20,000% of what I can stand. The sensitive version is not free from menthol but it has only a tiny fraction of the quantity used in the original. This way it doesn't interfere with the soaps or creams you are using (as for scent) but it softens my beard as good as or even better than the menthol-bomb. :thumbup1:
I'm still trying out Proraso Pre Shave in the white jar. Last week I used it for 2 of my shaves and have nice results. I didn't use it on the weekend and had a few nicks and some burn. Yesterday I gave it another go and had a great shave.
Proraso pre is outstanding in terms of what you get for your money and it is very protective for your skin. However Castle Forbes I also use and it's worth every penny. i don't like pre shave oils and your skin can react funny to these things, so after I've tried a few I went for Castle Forbes. I know the owner and we always have the usual drinks together and that@s when he was kind enough to give me a bottle.It is brilliant and I like the fact it does not have any scent. very effective and does a good job even on my tough facial hair. Try it, you won't regret it!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
I shower before I shave and then before I apply the lather, I wet my face, unless I am face lathering, then I don't wet my face.


Yeah, this is basically my current routine. But I'm trying to solve persistent neck bumps and after watching a mantic vid on the subject I thought that maybe more pre-shave is in order.

Lots of great suggestions here, guys, thanks. Sadly I have no morning time for Kyle's prep or the lather-and-wait option. The Proraso white pre-post does sound like a good option, though.
I like the lather up and wait method. I also like to use Corn Huskers Lotion. I Put it on, brush my teeth, apply some hot water followed by some hot lather, which is warmed up in my hot scuttle, then put on my wet badger brush then, then, then. Ohoyyy, I'm, I'm starting to get short of breath, I'm going to need to shave or,,,,,,, take a cold shower.
My favourite Pre Shave is Santa Maria Novella Crema Pre Dopo Barba. It serves as a pre and post shave. It's not as solid as Proraso Pre/Post and is easier to apply; it's a cream to rub on and, as such, a little goes a long way. It's not cheap but it's certainly money well spent.
I rotate through a number of possibilities.
  1. I use a body oil some days made of avocado and olive oils. (Extremely softening, but have to remember to wash it off with soap after shaving or risk acne.)
  2. Other days, I use one of the non-lathering creams I have. Rub it in and let it sit while I shower.
  3. Or still other days, as mentioned above, I do the same with whatever lather I'm working up. Just let it sit for a while first.
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