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Your favorite brew?

Hi guys and gals,

For those of you who are beer fans, what is your favorite brew, or favorites?

My favorite is currently Schneider Aventinus.

Here is the commercial description...

Dark ruby, glistening mysteriously, streaked with fine, top-fermented yeast, this beer has a compact, stable and long-lasting head. It has an intensive, typically top-fermented clove-like aroma. The palate experiences a gentle touch, on the tongue it is very full-bodied, compact and yet fresh with a hint of caramel. It finishes with a light and delicate taste of bitters leaving behind a strong, smoothly rounded, sour impression.
For the last year or so, Smuttynose Old Brown Dog Ale has been my favorite.

For the past few years, since I have tried it, my favorite has been Old Rasputin (North Coast Brewing)

I've been gravitating towards powerfully hoppy beers lately and the beers of Stone Brewing are delivering. Their Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale is outstanding but at $14 for a six pack, not something I pick up all the time.


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Chimay Blue, Orval, Delerium Tremens, Trois-Pistoles (Unibroue), Maudite (Unibroue), La fin du monde (Unibroue) or Ephemere Granny Smith (Unibroue) are my top picks...

I'm a big fan of http://www.ratebeer.com
Chimay - anything that they make
Celebrator Dopple Bock

Aviator Brewing Co Saison
Carolina Brewing Co Imperial Stout

And anything that I make.
Home brew; I had a long aged stout the other night that was sublime - the best stout I'd ever tasted. Took the guy over a year to get it to that point.
Have not had a beer in about 8 years (quit on a bet and never drank since) but if there is one that would sound great is a Sam Adams or Flat Tire.
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