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Your EDC items a.k.a A Gentleman's Essentials

From my time here at B&B and to a lesser extent other sites such as Art of Manliness and Dappered.com, I've come to see that what sets the refined man apart from the regular folk is what he carries without fail with him on a daily basis. Being prepared and always having the right item on hand is a dying art in this world. I know that before I came here I carried none of these things and was, in hindsight, all the worse for it.

I carry:

-pocket notebook (Military Memoranda currently)
-rollerball and/or fountain pen
-pocket comb
-card case w/ at least $20 (so glad to ditch the bulky "Costanza" wallet
-pocket knife (but only on weekends, my job has me enter too many state/federal buildings to make carrying a knife practical)

I'm always looking at ways to expand my EDC collection, I feel that we never stop growing and learning and can always adapt and change. What do you have as EDC items?
Wallet (contains p58, backup keys)
Pocket knife (gerber trendy)
Deck of cards w/about 3-5 yards each of electrical and duct tape.
A bit of medium grit sand paper.
A small flashlight.
A book or kindle.
Pen (pref F701 or fisher bullet)
a couple of various sized moleskines
some 3x5 grid cards.
a zippo
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I would add a handkerchief, and a bandanna. I find they have separate purposes.

Now for my pockets?

Right pocket
Keys and flashlight

Left Pocket
Knife and Handkerchief

Back pocket left
money clip

Back Pocket right

Somewhere on me,

compass (around my neck on a necklace)

Now if we start to talk about my Bag, well that is another story. Blow out Bag, IFAK, Fire, light, signalling, more knives. I could live a week out of my Bag.


get one of these, you never need it util you need it badly.
In my case its
wallet, keys, watch,
one badger hair brush
a Gillette Fat boy
a shaving stick
a Thermos® with something to drink.
a travel typewriter in case I need to take notes.
a towel, because you always need to know where your towel is.
weasel in a bag®
Tape recorder for special music.
Acapulco shirts
two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Ballantine ale, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls...
Nice Fear and Loathing reference! :thumbup:

two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Ballantine ale, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls...
I think a gentleman is defined by his behavior, and not by what he owns. You can't buy class. There are, I'm sure, many homeless "gentlemen" who only have the clothes on their backs. And conversely I'm sure that there are many good-for-nothing louts with the finest wallets, pocket knives, and handkerchiefs money can buy.

That said, I carry only a slim card wallet, my keys, and my cell phone most days. I have a decent pocket knife, but it only comes out when I know I'm going to be somewhere doing something that may call for it.
My wife always complains about the amount of stuff I have in my pockets but it all has a purpose.
Keys..hard to drive to work without them...
Lip Balm because when you don't have it you need it!
Knife.. one of the most versatile tools ever made.
Toothpick/Flossers..because having things stuck in your teeth all day sucks
Wallet..holds the driver's license and before I had a wife and children there was this stuff called "money" in it.. I hold onto it for sentimental value...
Pack of gum because bad breath is well...just that...
I just take what I need.
Wallet, Keys (home and work on separate rings), Swiss army knife, cell phone.
I'm married, so my wallet is empty.

Just remember, a gentleman really only needs to carry one thing. That's himself with dignity.
Wallet that's too fat and needs cleaning out
cell phone
keys for whatever I'm driving
ring of keys for home and work
two Sharpie pens (for work)
two high-lighters (for work)
Ruger LCP in pocket holster or Taurus .38spcl in ankle holster
I think a gentleman is defined by his behavior, and not by what he owns. You can't buy class. There are, I'm sure, many homeless "gentlemen" who only have the clothes on their backs. And conversely I'm sure that there are many good-for-nothing louts with the finest wallets, pocket knives, and handkerchiefs money can buy.

That said, I carry only a slim card wallet, my keys, and my cell phone most days. I have a decent pocket knife, but it only comes out when I know I'm going to be somewhere doing something that may call for it.
Well Said :thumbup:


Needs milk and a bidet!
Without fail my daily travelers:
Kershaw knife
Wallet, money or no money.

house keys if i know i'll be back late (house is usually left open during the day)
sometimes a couple ibuprofen pills
sunglasses in my shirt pocket (if i have one)
toothpick holder
Key chain: two keys (home and wife's car). water proof zippo style lighter, sharpening stone, widgy bar, P-38 & carabiner.
Leatherman pouch on belt: Leatherman Wave, bit set, bit extension, and Led Lenser flashlight
Left pocket of jacket, phone, inner pocket Cold Steel Scimitar.
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