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As I have no boxes for my razors, I like your opinions about this box.
It is announced on the Muhle webshop.

It has been designed for Merkur and Muhle (obviously).


I think my Fatboy and other razors would fit in too?

What do you think?
It s priced at 23,90 euros, is it worth the money?

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The box is really pretty; however, at €23.90, I don't think that I would want one for each razor in my collection!

Are these available online, or only through a "brick and mortar" operation?
I have one of those that came with my old (OC) Mühle R-89. They don't fit razors with longer handles than the HD has.

Since the new Mühles came out with slightly longer handles I guess they changed the inlay so these fit as well. For dimensions you could contact Christian Mueller ar Mühle.

Worth the money? It is a beautiful little box and I am happy to have one of those but as always YMMV.
I think these are expensive for what you get. However, I almost bought one of these today, but decided against it and went with the clear plastic and black Merkur one instead.

I used to have hand-rolling tobacco tins that looked similar. Seems to me they're made out of the same stuff (just guessing here). They tended to show signs of rust after a few months, especially the spring for the lid... As always, YMMV!
I own one of those. It's very nice, but it only fits a razor the size of the HD. I use it as a travel case, but I can't imagine having one for every razor.
I bought one of these for travelling and whilst it looks very nice with my slim adjustable inside it did start to produce some rust spots on the case. The lining is made of wood with no padding so that caused a concern as it offers no real impact protection to a razor. I certainly wouldn't buy it again as despite looking good it is totally impractical for any purpose other than decoration(in a dry enviroment).
Ooh, pretty nice looking but if it is $50 USD I can't imagine getting even one. It would be more expensive than just about every razor in my collection.


My elbows leak
Staff member
This is a great travel case. Holds up very well. I have had no issues with rust or spotting. Mine will not fit a Fatboy handle, but it fits every other TTO Gillette I have, except of course a Lady Gillette and Toggle.
The spring clip in the top to hold a blade pack is a nice touch.
It's a beautiful case. I don't think it's a bad price if you're looking for a nice case to accent your collection, if you're looking for a cheap case to get your razor from point a to point b then yeah its a bit much.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I had one of those.

Good looking? Yes. Why did I sell it? Because of the lid.

That case has a wooden crate to hold the razor so it can't go left or right. The bottom of the case is padded with a foam. The lid isn't. If you don't pad it yourself, the head of the razor will hit (metal on metal) the lid. I think for the price, Muhle should pad the lid at their factory instead of selling the case like that.

That's my only negative point, the rest is great!

Thanks for your advice!
Another great example of how valuable and friendly this forum is.

I notice some pros and some cons.
So that will give me something to think about the next days.

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